I've been in plenty of situations where someone I'm dating had more time for a console than me.

There was a point in time where the thought of people even talking about me made me anxious. Physically.

Anytime I get an offer where set is located at such far-off place, I avoid. It leaves me with no personal time.

There was a time where I chose my jobs based on what jobs were available to me, so I would choose 100 percent of them.

Run The Jewels, me and Mike, and our connection and everything, came out of a period of time where I had personally lost everything.

The cover I was really excited about was 'Seventeen' magazine. To me, it was much bigger than 'Time.' 'Seventeen' was where I wanted to be.

For me, if I'm just killing time, I play solitaire. I'm also guilty of playing Snood. I like games where I can shoot balls and match colors.

I've not really spent much time in proper studios. The room itself where you're recording, and how you live while you're there is what appeals to me.

The last time I visited Qaddafi was in May of 2001, 15 years after Reagan attacked his rather modest residence where he took me to show me how it had been left.

Had I considered over the course of time the moments where maybe I was the first woman to do this or that, it would have scared the absolute daylights out of me.

Morrissey wrote to me and said, I have a song for you and if we release it as a single, you'll be on the charts for the first time since 1972, I said, what time, where?

I do a lot of video games - I have a YouTube channel where I record me playing video games with my friends and post it. That's a hobby I have and a lot of what I do in my off time.

I'd be perfectly happy living anonymously on a ranch in Kentucky, where the only time someone mentioned me was to discuss the crazy lady up the road with all the taxidermy and jerky.

'Tattoos' reminds me of where I'm from, and some of the stuff I did when I was growing up. That was one of the things that was appealing about the song when I heard it the first time.

There was a long period where every time someone was shot or stabbed the BBC would call me. I started to think, 'I'm an actor and a musician, I don't want to be a politician or a spokesperson.'

There was a point in time, when I put out the Chief Keef diss, where I was so hot that everybody was calling my phone. But I decided to go set up under Wale, but he wasn't really teaching me how to rap.

There was a brief period of time when I was very young where I thought I wanted to be a veterinarian - largely because I liked cats - but then somebody told me I would have to cut animals open, and that was the end of that.

Shortly after I turned 13, Child Welfare took me into care. I was sent to a residential centre where girls with behavioural problems were 'evaluated'. My time there comes back to me now only in flashes of smells, images and sounds.

I don't know where my career is going, but I know that when I'm not active, it really drives me crazy. So it wouldn't have to be a film with dance in it, but hopefully I'll be able to be somewhat active with the projects that I do or, if not, I'll have time on the side to do my yoga.

There was a period of time where the two most wanted guys in the state of Oklahoma were me and Josh Heupel. Me for suggesting that you could throw the ball at Oklahoma and in the Big 12. And Josh Heupel for having the temerity to play quarterback and not be able to run faster than 5 flat.

Wintertime for me is a time when I do a lot of my writing in the studio. It's a time I enjoy. And it's very reflective and a very calming time of the year. Throughout the year I gather a lot of musical inspirations, and this is where I bring them to the studio and see what will evolve musically.

We played Carnegie Hall, and that was one time where I felt... Carnegie Hall as a legendary, very venerable place to perform. I'd never heard of anyone going into the Hall and kind of standing on the seats and playing throughout the aisles and having the audience stand on the seats. So when we did that in 2013, even for me it was a shock.

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