Our goal is self-transcendence

Transcendence constitutes selfhood.

Awe is the emotion of self-transcendence.

Without transcendence, life has no beauty.

Contradiction is the lever of transcendence.

Transcendence: that which transcends experience.

Transcendence and dissolution, always the same thing.

Transcendence is something between a metaphor and a miracle.

Self-forgetfulness in creativity can lead to self-transcendence.

I experience transcendence when something infinite reminds me I am finite.

Where character forbids self-indulgence, transcendence still hovers around.

A total acceptance of yourself brings about a total transcendence of yourself.

Transcendence means going beyond duality. Attachment means remaining within duality.

I think the origins of music have probably to do with magic and transcendence as well.

The most striking feature of contemporary culture is the unslaked craving for transcendence.

Through love, through hope, and faith's transcendent dower, We feel that we are greater than we know.

Sex has the unparalleled power to make us absurd to ourselves. It also has the power to make us understand transcendence.

Liberation is the path of transcendence. Manifestation is the path of immanence. Both lead to the same place: the divine.

My urge to write is an urge not to self-expressionism but to self-transcendence. My work is both bigger and smaller than I am.

Within alpinism's narrow framework we seek transcendence and relentlessly pursue what remains hidden from us on flat ground: our true selves.

Connection exists. There is immanence and transcendence, and everything beyond and in between. My tradition calls this connection God Herself.

My principal motive is the belief that we can still make admirable sense of our lives even if we cease to have... an ambition of transcendence.

...(I)ndividual selfhood is expressed in the self's capacity for self-transcendence and not in its rational capacity for conceptual and analytic procedures.

It seems to me that one of the most basic human experiences, one that is genuinely universal and unites-or, more precisely, could unite-all of humanity, is the experience of transcendence in the broadest sense of the word.

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