Translating is writing.

Color transmits and translates emotion.

Sarcasm doesn't translate in print at all.

Cinema is a medium that can translate ideas.

When we learn to speak, we learn to translate.

The original is unfaithful to the translation.

The problem is that it is difficult to translate.

Not all stories translate well when read out loud.

I have a voracious appetite for images I can translate.

Cable would not translate into the public radio universe.

Nothing translates worse than comedy into the printed word.

Something that is very difficult to translate is the humor.

Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.

It is impossible to translate poetry. Can you translate music?

For me, it's a big challenge to translate everything in English.

Mythmaking is the evolutionary enterprise of translating truths.

Translators are like ninjas. If you notice them, they’re no good.

Some experiences simply do not translate. you have to go to know.

You must learn to translate wisdom and strong feelings into labor.

In the real world, words don't automatically translate into deeds.

I think you translate emotion better when you take your hands off.

To understand is to decipher. To hear significance is to translate.

It is as impossible to translate poetry as it is to translate music.

Classical music's ability to translate emotional themes is fantastic.

We always translate the other person's language into our own language.

What works in the States doesn't easily translate to the Korean market.

As a true translator you will take care not to translate word for word.

It's impossible to translate Wall Street greed into one or two demands.

I think that physical actions are always hard to describe, to translate.

Any man who does not have his inner world to translate is not an artist.

It's one of the hardest things to translate anything that's not standard.

When you truly have fun on the set it translates into a funny show on tv.

I'm quite good at Lego and Fifa, but they don't translate in the real world.

I think when you translate songs, you lose the real essence and the meaning.

Power to translate is the test of having really understood one's own meaning.

The basic job of any campaign is to translate grassroots energy into turnout.

Learning is really about translating knowing what to do into doing what we know.

You'd be surprised how hard it can often be to translate an action into an idea.

I have the responsibility to translate peace and stability for future generations.

Isn't it the mind that translates the outer condition into happiness and suffering?

I'm not a screamer. I'm confrontational, but I don't think that translates into anger.

I haven't done any translating for decades now. It's something I did when I was young.

Most of my writing consists of an attempt to translate aphorisms into continuous prose.

I'm a writer and a photographer - I'm totally aware that doesn't always translate to TV.

Fashion is about what you look like, which translates to what you would like to be like.

I became fascinated by the fact that you could translate written material into performance.

Cinema, I always felt, is a very powerful mass medium to translate ideas in an engaging way.

I realized I liked being in the studio and working on translating the ideas into recordings.

With music, you often don't have to translate it. It just affects you, and you don't know why.

Our job is to understand where the market is heading and translate that into practical action.

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