As soon as you say 'Bunnymen,' I see a trench coat.

I bought a trench coat from Dubai worth 495 dirham.

I should be European, man. I'm long and lean. I'd look good in a trench coat.

Any country that steps into the same trench as the Jews has only itself to blame.

The first-ever job I had was in a play, 'Trench Kiss,' with Caroline Quentin and Arthur Smith.

I make M-rated games for adults, you know, with guys wearing sunglasses at night and trench coats.

I was the funny-looking one who wore a trench coat and played hacky sack with the other greasy kids.

Bob Marley said in one of his songs: 'Can anything good come out of Trench Town?' The answer is yes.

It has been mentioned that in Trench I there is evidence of three successive stages of these defences.

When wearing a trench coat, you're allowed to act like Humphrey Bogart when he was detective Sam Spade.

In my experience, academia is a World War 1 kind of a domain, and I do my best to avoid all that trench warfare.

Every man's closet must contain a trench coat. It's hard for any gentleman not to look dashing when clad in this swashbuckling style.

'Blade' was amazing; I can't imagine the character without Wesley Snipes. He just made a long, black leather trench coat look so cool.

I always wanted to do a very fun, adventurous kind of car chase, and the opening of 'Ruin' is essentially like the 'Star Wars' trench run.

The battle for the mind of Ronald Reagan was like the trench warfare of World War I: never have so many fought so hard for such barren terrain.

My favorite was 'The Lost Boys.' Corey Haim wore this trench coat, and I made my mum buy me a trench coat. I wore it to school, to primary school.

If I could wear any label forever it would be Burberry. It covers a huge span of stuff. You can't go wrong with a classic trench and a pair of jeans.

I gotta have my long trench coats, a nice scarf for the winter time when you're walking around, and some nice fitted jeans to go with the trench coats.

Fabrics and lining make a big difference in the garment. If you're buying an expensive trench coat, and it's lined in something cheap, it doesn't feel as nice.

After World War I, while France and other Allies were building military defenses modeled on trench warfare, German commanders were shaping a nimble fighting force.

If you look at footage of the Newfoundland Regiment, you see they are at rest and giddy and being silly with one another. Silliness is the antidote to trench warfare.

I had noticed men were much more confident in their clothes. So I sought through trouser suits, trench coats, tuxedos, and pea coats to give women the same confidence.

L.A. style is more laid back than London, mainly because it's always sunny. In London, the cold means you get to rock layers. And you can't go wrong with a trench coat!

I'm a comic book artist. So I think to myself, what do I like to draw? I like to draw hot chicks, fast cars and cool guys in trench coats. So that's what I write about.

Everyone in the world should have a trench coat, and there should be a trench coat for everyone in the world. It does not matter your age; it doesn't matter your gender.

I saved everything, all my gear over the years: my trench coats and stuff that I have saved. It is all packed away nicely and neatly in vacuum-sealed bags and all that stuff.

I'm super into their trench coats. I've been wearing them for a while. Even my mom, she loves them. Definitely working with Burberry is a dope collaboration, just a good opportunity.

I like to mix British classics, like a great trench, with fun vintage pieces I find in New York. L.A. style is often very relaxed and comfortable, and I appreciate that effortless feel.

I love Yves Saint Laurent and Giambattista Valli and Givenchy, and I get given quite a lot, but perhaps nothing is as wonderful as the white fake leather trench coat I got when I was 15.

In New York City, you can walk down the street and see a girl in a trench who looks equally as cool as a girl wearing Lululemon. It's like you're watching models. You see a little of everything right by you.

The clothes that fire up my emotions are colorful and 'different' pieces. My eye still picks out gilded-cloque glamour from among Burberry's streamlined trench coats or a hand-printed coat from Dries Van Noten.

Burberry makes the best version of the traditional trench coat, which can have a zipper and button-in lining for colder climes. The belt, which comes standard, should never be buckled but must be casually knotted at the waist.

To any young person starting out on life and looking to make a quick fortune, I have this advice: forget banking, but go instead into security, scaffolding, or urban trench digging. Not in a hands-on way. I mean start a company.

I think bare legs in winter are idiotic. Unless your naked pins are toned, tanned and veinless, it's best to cover up. There is nothing more elegant in winter than dark tights worn with matching knee-length boots and a belted trench coat.

Gradually I became aware of details: a company of French soldiers was marching through the streets of the town. They broke formation, and went in single file along the communication trench leading to the front line. Another group followed them.

I had two family members involved in World War I: two great-uncles. One of them is on a memorial in France. And the other was a trench runner who survived the war. The average life span of a trench runner was 36 hours, but he survived the whole war.

I used to love politics. I can't say I do any more. All the fun has gone out of it. Each side is engaged in this trench warfare of managerialism. They're all too scared to say anything that might make them appear something other than completely bland.

The TV business is uglier than most things. It is normally perceived as some kind of cruel and shallow money trench through the heart of the journalism industry, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free and good men die like dogs, for no good reason.

The situation is not about Hosni Mubarak, but the reality is now about Egypt, its present, the future of its sons, all Egyptians are in the same trench, therefore, we should continue our national dialogue That have already started in the spirit of groups but not enemies.

There's a shot that I designed to try and illustrate the scale of the Death Star that's sort of framed in close on the equatorial trench as Krennic's ship is leaving. The camera's pulling back, and you start with it framed so you can kind of see those docking bays that are in that trench.

About forty miles away from Paris, I began to see the old trench flares they were sending up at Le Bourget. I knew then I had made it, and as I approached the field with all its lights, it was a simple matter to circle once and then pick a spot sufficiently far away from the crowd to land O.K.

Like all young reporters - brilliant or hopelessly incompetent - I dreamed of the glamorous life of the foreign correspondent: prowling Vienna in a Burberry trench coat, speaking a dozen languages to dangerous women, narrowly escaping Sardinian bandits - the usual stuff that newspaper dreams are made of.

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