I like guys who drive trucks.

Roads are built for buses, cars, and trucks.

'Monster Trucks' is like a big action movie.

I unloaded trucks for a living and I hated it.

Derek Trucks is a real good new artist. He's a young guy.

When you say 'Monster Trucks,' people don't think monsters inside of trucks.

I grew up at 16 years old driving trucks across the George Washington Bridge.

I feel strikingly domestic. We're in our own world with two busses and trucks.

When in Texas, do as the Texans do: Drive trucks, wear cowboy boots, and two-step!

I own everything. I own my RV, my house, my trucks, my boat. Everything is paid for.

I'm from a really small town, and everybody there drives trucks. They're all farmers.

We want people to still have choices - Ford cars and trucks, whatever works for their lifestyle.

I see SpongeBob on ice-cream trucks a lot, and I've got bootleg SpongeBob merchandise from Mexico.

Unfortunately, this is a free society, and we're gonna have people with trucks, and people with bombs.

I grew up homeless, you know, lived in and out of U-Haul trucks and, you know, apartment houses, friends.

I dislike all those cookie-cutter Nashville songs. You know the ones: about tight jeans and pick-up trucks.

I'm fast for my size. I'm very good at moving events - throwing, pulling trucks, Atlas stones. I win them all.

When I was kid, one of the big things was watching all the cattle trucks and wheat trucks coming through town.

You can't have the Allman Brothers without Butch Trucks and Gregg Allman. Those are just irreplaceable spirits.

My son is all into construction vehicles like most boys are, so he's enthralled with dump trucks and bulldozers.

I've actually stopped tinting my windows because the paparazzi look for trucks and cars with supertinted windows.

You would never see me driving around in a sports car. I feel like you're so low and squish-able by transport trucks.

Whenever we were on the road when I was younger, I remember my father pointing out the trucks that had 'Mack' on them.

I love looking out at 27 semis and being like, every single one of those semi trucks is there to put together my stage.

I grew up racing off-road trucks. They were on road courses with jumps. I made a name for myself in that style of racing.

Pipelines are by far the safest way to transport petroleum. They are safer than tankers, safer than trucks, safer than rail.

Growing up, I remember thinking country music was all honky-tonks and beer and trucks - Britney Spears was my first concert.

We'd be in his office playing with trucks as a six-year-old while he's negotiating deals with presidents of major companies.

That one was stunt heavy. 'Monster Trucks' was a lot of stunts. I got to do some insane stunts they should've never let me do.

Not only are utilities switching from coal and oil to gas, but also trucking, schoolbuses, garbage trucks, and even taxi fleets.

After the implementation of GST, trucks are having a smooth passage. Tax compliance has increased after the implementation of GST.

Supporting the troops has got to mean more than bumper stickers on pickup trucks, my friends. We need to give them what they need.

You look around New York, and we are surrounded by restaurants and food trucks, and we celebrate food in this city like no tomorrow.

I saw these little trucks that I was obsessed with, and my dad got me one for my eighth birthday. That was the start of my racing career.

When I had jobs, I was always doing manual jobs because I couldn't think. I worked at the docks, unloading trucks, and did ridiculous jobs.

Every time I'd get a job, they'd say: 'You'll be good at loading trucks.' I couldn't explain that there was more to me than carrying things.

As far as trucks, the great thing about a Range Rover is if you're going out for a dinner, even a black tie event, you can take the Range Rover.

My grandfather and my father had wheat ranches, so we had quite a few trucks around and a lot of mules. Talk about horsepower - we had mule power.

Yes, Americans can still get credit for cars and trucks and refrigerators, and those businesses are doing well. But just try to get a home loan now.

About 60 percent of the oil consumed daily by Americans is used for transportation, and about 45 percent is used for passenger cars and light trucks.

If there is any state that typifies prototypical 'Murica' where the trucks and the guns are big and the social safety net is oh so small, it's Texas.

Simply raising fuel economy standards for passenger cars and light trucks to 33 miles per gallon would eliminate our oil imports from the Persian Gulf.

The fire trucks are out, there are thousands of people in the streets. You have a choice. You can have this, or you let Negroes eat at the lunch counters.

I rode fire trucks, slid down fire poles, wore a lot of red, and made a lot of appearances. I've always had a special place in my heart for fire fighters.

When I was 18, I had a trial at Benfica, when Sven-Goran Eriksson was the manager. Then, at 21, I was working for a company loading vegetables onto trucks.

Food trucks are an essential part of people's days. They are important to the fabric of feeding people, like hotel chefs cooking breakfasts or for weddings.

The script is so important... Even if you have a huge entourage or big lighting trucks, the most important thing is the space between the actor and the camera.

Even in the ARCA race we have scheduled pit stops. You're already rolling with everyone; you can't lose any spots. But in the trucks, you can lose or gain a ton.

You were up at 5 o'clock in the morning, and then you'd ride in a caravan, because we didn't have big movie trucks or trailers that is the hardware of a movie camp.

For all the concern about bodies and weight, 'Baywatch' has three huge catering trucks on the set at all times. One for entrees, one appetizers and one for junk food.

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