This much is true: you have been lied to.

Before your dreams can come true, you have to have those dreams.

What happened to the American Dream? It came true! You're lookin' at it

As for what is not true, you will always find abundance in the newspapers.

If it's true you learn from your mistakes, Jim Frey will be the best manager ever

You can't mobilize people and connect with them authentically when they can't see the true you.

A lot of dreams don't come true in life. If you can make somebody's dream come true, you should.

Not that believing such things has anything to do with whether they are true. You see that, don't you?

And it's true, you hear things in Damascus and, after a few hours, the human double-take stops operating.

And once you say this is true, you start naming the beast that hurts you - so I started doing this. Other truths come out.

I'm learning from them! Everyone says that, but it's true. You learn more about yourself from them than from any other lesson.

Is it true? You had a clean getaway and risked it all for me?" I Swallowed. "It wouldn't have been a clean getaway without you.

We know nothing. And just because you know something to be true at this moment in your life or you feel that it is true, you can never be sure of yourself.

Poor heretics there be,Which think to establish dangerous constancy,But I have told them, ‘Since you will be true,You shall be true to them, who are false to you.

Once you've decided that something's absolutely true, you've closed your mind on it, and a closed mind doesn't go anywhere. Question everything. That's what education's all about.

As you get older, all those dumb clichés, they're all true. You only have a certain amount of time left, and you should only spend it doing the things that you want to do. It's all true.

You have to be true, you have to be honest.. Don't do anything, just figure out what it is that is true to you, what makes you happiest to do and be out there. And if it doesn't work, then you just have to call it a day and go find something else. But don't make it up. Don't go out there and pretend to be something you aren't.

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