The 'public' scares me, but people I trust.

I trust the people who are working with me. I delegate.

I trust people until they give me a reason not to trust them.

When I feel that people trust me, I'm prepared to do everything.

Trust me, you have to fight. When people are wrong, you've got to let them know it.

I'm not a comic. There's twenty five percent of me that doesn't trust people who identify as comics.

It is an honour and it's flattering that people refer to me as someone they trust or get inspired from.

If I had chosen the populist course, it would have been a breach of the trust placed in me by the people.

I'm conservative, and people know where I stand. They can trust me to do what I say I'm going to do. I'm predictable.

For me, I have trouble working with people just because I sort of have trust issues when it comes to creative endeavors.

It's hard for me to trust people, and especially girls it's - I don't really like doing the whole opening-up thing with girls.

I used to trust people easily, but now I'm a little careful because some experiences have taught me to not trust anyone blindly.

I think Canadians want to get a feel for the people who will serve them... and, for me, I think that Canadians will trust people who trust them.

People ask, 'Do I have trust issues?' I wouldn't say I have trust issues. I have trust concerns. It's valuable for me to trust a person in particular.

Nothing's ever easy about composing for other people's projects, but I like it. I've been lucky to have worked with adventurous directors who trust me.

The cyberspace earnings I get from Linux come in the format of having a Network of people that know me and trust me, and that I can depend on in return.

I have never seen a proton or electron spinning around it. I have never actually seen a chromosome. I trust that they exist because people who I trust tell me they do.

Two things are vital for me. I've always had people who protected me, and I've always had people who helped me. Before I decide, I consult with three, four people who I trust.

I had this unusual mix of curiosity, the ability to write in ways people understood, and when I appeared, viewers seemed to trust me to get them through some cataclysmic changes.

I feel like I'm in a privileged position where I get to meet people and talk to them about the most important things in their lives. I appreciate that trust they're putting in me.

I'd rather trust nine people and have the 10th one stab me in the back. I'd take that fall in order to have those nine friendships or working relationships instead of having none. That's not living.

The main thing is to think strategically about what will engage your readers. Trust me when I tell you that few people are eager to read a story whose opening lines sound like a dissertation on giant bugs.

I think it is my big advantage that I know Putin personally... that he can trust me, that he can see in me a new generation. I want to be a person who really makes him see how many people are against the system.

Trust is a big word for me. Loyalty and trust, for me, are everything. It's the core of what I'm about and what the people around me hopefully are about. It's a certain thing that gives you a sense of security. It's the biggest factor in everything I do.

As far as the constitution allows me, I will try to ensure that there is responsible and accountable governance at all levels of government in the country. For I will not have kept my own trust with the Nigerian people if I allow others abuse theirs under my watch.

We understand that you can't play all 82, trust me, with injuries and all that. But if you're feeling OK - a lot of people have been banged up, but if you're feeling OK, then you should play. That's what you get paid for. That's what fans deserve. The fans definitely deserve that.

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