If you want peace, work for justice.

When all else fails, tell the truth.

Truth takes no account of centuries.

Fiction is the truth inside the lie.

Warmth is to sun, as truth is to me.

What I tell you three times is true.

Live truth instead of professing it.

Half the truth is often a great lie.

Truth is often attended with danger.

Truth is mighty and it will prevail.

Chase after the truth like all hell.

Truth is one, but error is manifold.

Honesty is not synonymous with truth.

The truth is dark under your eyelids.

At times truth may not seem probable.

Facts are many, but the truth is one.

... the unarmed power of naked truth.

My way of joking is to tell the truth

Adversity is the first path to truth.

Experience alone can decide on truth.

Truth exists; only lies are invented.

A myth is a lie that conveys a truth.

Science is but an image of the truth.

I think the truth is black-and-white.

the truth is artistically fallacious.

Truth is not always a pleasant thing.

Truth is independent of facts always.

Whatever satisfies the soul is truth.

It takes few words to tell the truth.

Truth is a point of view about things.

I say that justice is truth in action.

Truth sits upon the lips of dying men.

I'm for truth, no matter who tells it.

Truth is more than a dream and a song.

The truths I shun follow me, mumbling.

The first reaction to truth is hatred.

All great truths begin as blasphemies.

All truth contains an echo of sadness.

Tell the truth as soon as you know it.

Who lies for you will lie against you.

The truth is an anagram of an anagram.

Truth is what most contradicts itself.

A lie stands on one leg, truth on two.

Falsehood is easy, truth so difficult.

A radical is one who speaks the truth.

A hair divides what is false and true.

The great seal of truth is simplicity.

Say things to the world that are true.

Peace if possible, truth at all costs.

Poetry is truth in its Sunday clothes.

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