The Eurogroup decisions are always taken unanimously.

The political parties have unanimously rejected the one-man constitutional changes.

I've adjusted to this, that my books are not going to get unanimously good reviews.

I have heard your views. They do not harmonize with mine. The decision is taken unanimously.

I am very grateful to the MLAs for unanimously electing me as the BJD legislature party leader.

I thought everybody unanimously hated this man. I don't know anyone who was like, 'Go Trump.' I was surprised.

Kinkade estimated that one of his paintings hung in every twenty homes in America. Yet the art world unanimously ignores or reviles him. Me included.

Indeed, the very first resolution of the General Assembly of the United Nations - adopted unanimously - called for the elimination of nuclear weapons.

People didn't suddenly wake up one morning and unanimously say 'I'm fed up with midbudget dramas. I'm only going to see action tent poles from now on!'

In the Brown decision, the United States Supreme Court unanimously struck down the legal and moral footing of racially segregated public education in this country.

Unanimously we will confess and pledge ourselves to stand behind the Fuehrer and his movement today and forever and thereby to be of service to the idea of eternal Germany.

When I left 'Coronation Street,' I wondered if I could ever be lucky enough to work with such a unanimously wonderful company of good people - and I've just come to that good bunch again.

The sentiment that Punjab did not accept the Delhi leadership has been unanimously expressed by candidates and party leaders. Somewhere, the feeling has emerged that the Punjab unit should take lead rather than the Delhi team calling the shots.

I know that there is a great diversity of opinion as to who, in fact, pays the duties on imports. I do not intend to discuss that point. We of the staple and exporting States have long settled the question for ourselves, almost unanimously, from sad experience.

After mature consideration it was unanimously agreed, that, to prevent as much as possible their attempting to return and molest the settlers that may be set down on their lands, a sufficient number of vessels should be hired with all possible expedition for that purpose.

There are many people who probably don't agree with my acting, and it should be that way: they don't have to agree with me in general. I'm not here to be loved by everybody. I want to be. But I don't think it's humanly possible to be unanimously loved. But I think I've voiced it clearly that I'm not here to be a baby doll.

In 1984, when I was a rookie member of the House, there was a bill introduced to make Martin Luther King's birthday a state holiday. It didn't have a chance. As time passed, though, more and more states adopted the holiday. Finally, after about five years, we passed it and, I think, almost unanimously. As I said, change is slow and hard.

The federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act passed unanimously in the House, won 97 votes in the Senate, and was signed into law by President Bill Clinton. Twenty states have passed their own versions of this law, and 11 additional ones have religious-liberty protections that state courts have interpreted to provide a similar level of protection.

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