Leave no stone untamed.

A wild, untamed youth learns nobility through art.

Curiosity is a quest for wisdom on untamed grounds.

It's dangerous faith in our untamed Savior that leads us to the joy we crave.

As I kissed her the heat of her body increased, and it exhaled a wild, untamed fragrance.

Almost every person, from childhood, has been touched by the untamed beauty of wildflowers.

Making that statement of 'I'm not afraid to be untamed.' It's just kind of the marriage of those two things.

Once she woke with untamed lover's face between her legs, now he's cooled and stifled and it's she who has to beg.

There is no beast, no rush of fire, like woman so untamed. She calmly goes her way where even panthers would be shamed.

Release your majestic mind, embrace your untamed inner spirit. Break free from captivity, avoid society.. You were born to be free.

He was like some wild, untamed creature that you could keep and feed for a time, but in the end you knew you'd have to let it go for its own sake as well as yours.

I took a day to search for God, And found Him not. But as I trod By rocky ledge, through woods untamed, Just where one scarlet lily flamed, I saw His foot print in the sod.

After I did Untamed Heart I wanted to do a film that was outrageous. I really wanted to do, you know, a performance. I don't want to allow my image to rule the choices that I make.

Playing music for as long as I had been playing music and then getting a shot at making a record and at having an audience and stuff, it's just like an untamed force... a different kind of energy.

The problem with the emotions is not that they are untamed forces or vestiges of our animal past; it is that they were designed to propagate copies of the genes that built them rather than to promote happiness, wisdom, or moral values.

Once again...Rick Bass draws us into his magical human worlds, rendered urgently by a hypnotic prose that tracks a parallel and untamed natural world, often with a trace of loss and always patrolled by unmistakable decency. He is a master of this form.

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