We have more than we use.

Don't fight forces, use them.

Perspective - Use It or Lose It.

What we need is to use what we have.

Prejudices are what fools use for reason.

Is it true that if you don’t USE it you LOSE it?

Use it or lose it is a cliche because it's true.

Money is like an arm or leg - use it or lose it.

We must use what we have to invent what we desire.

Who makes quick use of the moment is a genius of prudence.

That which is used - develops. That which is not used wastes away.

The only use of knowledge of the past is to equip us for the present.

When ye are prepared for a thing, the opportunity to use it presents itself.

Build a system that even a fool can use, and only a fool will want to use it.

That is the point of quotations. One can use another's words to be insulting.

The true use of speech is not so much to express our wants as to conceal them.

It is not what we have that will make us a great nation; it is the way in which we use it.

Tell your readers to use it or lose it. If you don't use your muscles, they get weak. If you don't use your mind it begins to fail.

Writing is the only profession where nobody considers you ridiculous if you earn no money. Money is like an arm or a leg; use it or lose it.

Perspective - Use It or Lose It. If you turned to this page, you're forgetting that what is going on around you is not reality. Think about that.

Time-Use it or lose it. Time, like a snowflake, disappears while we're trying to decide what to do with it. The surest way to be late is to have plenty of time.

Yes, in my life, since we must call it so, there were three things, the inability to speak, the inability to be silent, and solitude, that’s what I’ve had to make the best of.

Because it is a 'use it or lose it' brain, when we develop a map area [in the brain], we long to keep it activated. Just as our muscles become impatient for exercise if we've been sitting all day.

Ranger declined the butterscotch pudding, not wanting to disrupt the consistency of his blood sugar level. I had two puddings and coffee, choosing to keep my pancreas at peak performance. Use it or lose it is my philosophy.

With no gravitational force to work against, your body not only doesn't need the same amount of muscle and bone, it starts breaking them down. As on Earth, so in space: use it or lose it. And exercise may not solve the problem.

I say, 'Use it or lose it.' I have my own fitness regime, which is centred around stretching, free-weights and fast walking. I also have a trainer half of the year, as I spend my summers in the south of France where I swim a lot.

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