Age considers; youth ventures.

After The Ventures I dug Johnny Smith quite a bit.

Not all new ventures are at the same stage of maturity.

Do not plan for ventures before finishing what's at hand.

My faith has always supported me in my ventures, so boom.

Intellectual Ventures is a company that invests in invention.

In the early part of the '60s I was influenced by the Ventures.

I design my start-up ventures around my own personal beliefs and values.

My early business ventures included growing Christmas trees and breeding birds.

In between acting, I'm still going to be doing modeling and different ventures.

Expertise and judgment in the art of lending for novel ventures must be reacquired.

An economy open to new concepts and novel ventures is bound to generate unequal gains.

Some of our best-known entrepreneurs started their business ventures when they were kids.

Google Ventures has a direct financial incentive to ensure the companies we invest in succeed.

My philosophy is that if I have any money I invest it in new ventures and not have it sitting around.

Even if we never cure a single disease, the Human Genome Project and other ventures will have been worth it.

I support myself by public speaking and trying to work on as many appropriate and legitimate ventures as I can.

I'm sure there will be business ventures and things down the road, but I definitely don't want to be a team owner.

What we've found was that people were utilizing Eventbrite to turn their passions into revenue-generating ventures.

Wine and cheese are ageless companions, like aspirin and aches, or June and moon, or good people and noble ventures.

I believe unexplored territories and taking on new ventures is the natural progression all human beings must experience.

Men resemble great deserted palaces: the owner occupies only a few rooms and has closed-off wings where he never ventures.

I'm a freestyle creative entrepreneur. Not a businessman. I like to create ventures in which creativity stands at the centre.

During the 1950s, Aristotle Onassis and I formed what grew to be a close friendship and association in several business ventures.

Real Christians revel in desperate ventures for Christ, expecting from God great things and attempting the same with exhilaration.

No doubt an actress has to do varied roles. But I don't want myself to be typecast as an actress who can only do off-beat ventures.

We like to say at Khosla Ventures, and this is one of the reasons to do what we do, we'll take technical risks that nobody else will.

If I'm an entrepreneur, and I have a term sheet from Sequoia and Kleiner, that's the safe choice. Google Ventures is the brave choice.

I need to look back on my poetic ventures, make sense of them as a whole, and move forward... and to experiment without external demands.

I am very much available for singing. There's a misconception that I am too busy with my acting ventures, but, I think, I can manage both.

A capitalist economy hums when leading businessmen are bubbling with animal spirits and are prepared to sink their money into risky ventures.

I think a lot of mothers are doing as I am: starting up their own ventures as their children grow older, and having a kind of second blooming.

I love getting up to my folks' house and playing golf with Dad. He's very involved with my off-course ventures, and I talk to him every third day.

It's good to have experience in other ventures and have other goals. Like acting, having businesses, starting from zero and making something grow.

For women to succeed in politics, business and entrepreneurial ventures they have to battle against a stereotype of being heartless and unfeminine.

Before the commercial ventures, Linux tended to be rather hard to set up, because most of the developers were motivated mainly by their own interests.

Engineering college students should be encouraged to start entrepreneurial ventures in their second year itself. It is safer to fail while in college.

Axilor Ventures helps startups to improve their odds of success, and I look forward to supporting the executive management of Axilor with this vision.

That's the reason support for the National Endowment of the Arts is so important. It enables those ventures that aren't viable commercially to be done.

My work has taken me from historical research to involvement in electronic publishing ventures to the directorship of the Harvard University Libraries.

Traditional companies have to start looking into themselves to offer more opportunities in their companies by starting new subsidiaries and joint ventures.

I am happy to be on board of Baseline Ventures. They manage some of the top talents of the country, and I look forward to a great partnership with Baseline.

Chinese productivity is the highest in the world but the way they do it is by borrowing the technology from abroad, either by joint ventures or other means.

At 88 years old - with every intention of living decades longer - I'm still running a company, writing articles, launching new ventures, and fully enjoying life.

Now that I'm older, I like almost anything that's done well, even surf music and instrumentals; I really enjoyed the interviews with the Ventures in your magazine.

Technology evolves continuously with solutions getting richer. For example, many of the earlier e-commerce ventures failed because of weak technology infrastructure.

I started a business with two guys I played with, Ronnie Lott and Harris Barton: Champion Ventures, it's a fund of funds. We have $400 million or so under management.

None of our family businesses were focused on technology. It was '93 when I came out of law school, and the Internet was taking hold. So I started New World Ventures.

It's never been seen that a street artist go as far as I've gone - keep consistent without wanting to do a bunch of ventures outside of music to keep my face out there.

The Saudi ideal of a woman is a religious mother who rarely ventures out: She shouldn't work with men, she should be completely covered, and she shouldn't go out alone to run errands.

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