I get out on my bike almost every day. If I can't walk somewhere, I'll bike or skateboard.

In Sweden, stardom is looked upon as phony. You walk to the theater every day like everybody else.

Three, maybe four times a week, I run for 30 minutes. If I don't run, I'm out for a brisk walk at least an hour every day.

I lived out in the Koko Head area as a kid, when it was all farms. We would walk over that mountain into Hanauma Bay almost every day.

From Rebecca Miller, I took the idea that the director needs to arrive every day an hour ahead of everyone else and walk through the entire day.

I take a freezing cold shower to start every day, and when I can't take it any more, I count 20 Mississippi's. Then I literally walk out of the shower and say, 'Let's go.'

I walk around every day with a radio playing constantly in my head, and this radio station plays a lot of hits. But it's all my songs, so that's something to be excited about 24 hours a day.

I don't exercise. I just walk my dogs and run up and down the stairs every day because I've got a big house so you have to do that constantly. That's my exercise. Oh and dancing, I like dancing.

I used to live next door to a farm, so every day for awhile, I used to walk over and fed the cows, when I was in school. This was weird because I lived in sort of a subdivision, but this one holdout in our neighborhood in Kansas still had a farm.

I do yoga three times a week, and I walk for a half hour every day. In between, I get on the elliptical and my triple thigh trainer - I really do use the Thighmaster! - and do about 20 minutes on each of those. I also walk up and down the stairs a lot.

When the first record came out, I'd go down to radio stations pretty much every day to get the record played, and I would walk in and they'd tell us how much they loved the record, but they weren't sure how much they could play it because they were already playing a girl.

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