History has remembered the kings and warriors, because they ...

History has remembered the kings and warriors, because they destroyed; art has remembered the people, because they created.

I grew up a Warriors fan.

Top athletes are like warriors.

These guys are warriors, my teammates.

Solitude is the companion of warriors.

Campaigns bring out the warriors in everybody.

It's always been a battle to play the Warriors.

The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.

Everybody wants to see two warriors have a good fight.

Deep in my heart, I care about social-justice warriors.

The Warriors are competition, and competition makes the best of us.

From warriors ravens grew red And with their leader a host attacked.

When I had my house in '96, I had a Warriors basketball court built.

I learned more on 'Spirit Warriors' than I think I have on any other job.

All pregnant women are warriors. It takes strength just to get up and go to work.

Remember the quiet wonders. The world has more need of them than it has for warriors.

The public relations warriors fought and lost Monte Carlo's Battle of the Magazine Covers.

Law enforcement must be guardians in our communities, not warriors against our own people.

I am a fan of the 'Rocky' films, and 'Rocky 4' is my favourite. I also like 'The Warriors.'

The Warriors team with Baron Davis, Matt Barnes, Stephen Jackson - that was an incredible team.

I like to believe that I've got a lot of guardian warriors sittin' on my shoulder including my dad.

The resilience, tenacity and zeal of our valiant air warriors is a source of pride for every Indian.

'Amores Perros' and 'Once Were Warriors' had a tremendous visceral quality that really influenced me.

Ideas are the great warriors of the world, and a war that has no idea behind it, is simply a brutality.

As women, we have super powers. We are sisters. We are healers. We are mothers. We are goddess warriors.

I am a Shawnee. My forefathers were warriors. Their son is a warrior. From them, I take my only existence.

Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.

Social justice warriors want to return to the Dark Ages when you communicated with a club instead of joining one.

Mom was a single mother. So three aunts and three uncles and all of mom's friends pitched in as weekend warriors.

When the Warriors are on, my wife keeps away from me. I'm a rabid fan, and my language sometimes is not too good.

Very learned women are to be found, in the same manner as female warriors; but they are seldom or ever inventors.

I can't speak for the Warriors but for me and my career, being traded to the Celtics changed the trajectory of my career.

No one has ever threatened me in real life but on Facebook and Twitter it's all the time. You just get Internet warriors.

A kshatriya woman's highest purpose in life is to support the warriors in her life: her father, brother, husband and sons.

I'm sad to see the passing of the great drug warriors. I certainly did my part in that battle and I don't regret any of it.

The best part of being with the Warriors has been the team camaraderie, the team meals, the team pranks, the bond we share.

We're definitely going to get some flak each and every day, whether it's social-media keyboard warriors, or people in person.

My music speaks of warriors. It speaks of women being kings and this sense of pride of being more, even though you have less.

The world needs many more humanitarians than it needs warriors, but there can be none of the former without enough of the latter.

We're warriors, this culture, and we're very puritanical about sex and very embracing about violence and I don't know why that is.

I would be a basketball player, play at Duke, go to the Golden State Warriors, play with Kevin Durant, Steph Curry, Draymond Green.

It always great to feel that you're wanted by somebody, especially when you're talking about a team like the Golden State Warriors.

I was always impressed by the Road Warriors and Legion of Doom. They were just so large and bigger than life in every possible way.

I love boxing. I like to see the strategizing. Watching the warriors go to work. I like that struggle, going out there and fighting.

The Romans thought of themselves as the chosen people, yet they built the greatest army on Earth by recruiting warriors from any background.

I do a lot of stuff with Wounded Warriors and the Armed Forces Foundation; if you want to get these guys to stop talking, start complimenting!

A zeal for the defence of their country led these heroes to the scene of action, though with a few men to attack a powerful army of experienced warriors.

That's two different influences... The Warriors nation as a fan base, that's a whole lot of pressure. Then you got the pressure of playing with some greats.

The Warriors are a lifestyle. I love every Warrior that stayed. They represented Oakland with pride. I love the Warriors. I love Oakland. I love the people.

In the past, goalies weren't even part of the team. They had their own dressing room. They didn't speak with the other team members. They were lone warriors.

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