I used to run track in high school and was unexceptional in every way.

I was way into Primus in high school so hanging out with him was a thrill.

I wore a coat and tie all through high school: my way of being rebellious in the late 1950s.

I was in band all the way through high school, and I played in jazz competitions all across Iowa.

Even now that I'm married and 28, my room's still intact the way it was when I went to high school.

I loved school, maybe too much, really. I was summa cum laude in high school. I was driven that way.

I commuted an hour and a half each way to high school in N.Y.C. I took a bus, a ferry, then a subway.

I ran a lot of quick-strike concepts in high school just because from the University of Hawaii, a lot of guys that were in my high school coached that way.

I knew Slash in high school, but not very well. Just knew him as this kid that used to hang out in the hallway. Pretty much looked then the way he does now.

I survived in high school by working at Kentucky Fried Chicken and made my way up to assistant manager. I was surviving high school and college with that job.

I was wrestling all the way to high school, but it kind of came in the same season as basketball, so I had to pick and choose one, and I decided to go all the way with basketball.

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