I love throwing the deep ball.

I'd love to play for the Jets.

I've never had a sip of alcohol.

I love Oregon. I love the community.

I would love to play for the Browns.

I don't like being in the limelight.

My family has always valued my education.

Not being in the playoffs is frustrating.

I'm really interested in sports medicine.

I always think of myself as a point guard.

There's no reason to be angry or impolite.

The Heisman Trophy is such a special award.

My mentality as a competitor never changes.

Any motivation starts with some type of doubt.

My mentality as a competitor will never change.

You know, being the first pick to me, it's not a huge thing.

My mentality is still the same. I have to continue to get better.

I'm not a fan of spiders... I tend to avoid them as much as I can.

Just do your business and everything else will take care of itself.

It's such a great honor to be a part of the Subway Famous Fan Family.

When I get off the phone with my parents, usually I'm in a good spot.

That's what is cool about football: you build life-long relationships.

I don't really compare myself to anybody but just try to be the best I can be.

It is, to me, a goal of mine to come back to Hawaii and to play in the Pro Bowl.

Any rookie is going to go through a transition process that's going to be tough.

I am a competitor, I want to go out there and lay it all on the line for my team.

All I can really control is how I prepare and get ready for whatever team picks me.

The best leaders adapt and are flexible with their situations. I try to be the same.

Obviously I love Nashville, I love Tennessee. It's a great organization to play for.

Losing! It bothers me a lot. I'm such a competitor, and I take everything personally.

If we win games, those other things - awards and all of that - will take care of themselves.

I try to get stronger every year, that's part of me trying to be better as a football player.

I guess I'd be nervous to skate and do hockey. Growing up in Hawaii there's not a lot of ice.

My parents always told me to be respectful to anyone you meet and to live your life that way.

I expect myself to do my job, and that's taking care of the football and converting third downs.

It's a contact sport. At some point, I'll get hit and that's part of it. I'm not worried about it.

You can't just limit yourself to underneath routes and let the defense kind of sit on those things.

The history and tradition of the Rose Bowl, if that doesn't get you excited, I don't know what will.

If someone is having a bad day, I find you can change it pretty quick by just showing that you care.

I do play in a spread offense and in order to translate into the NFL, I'll have to take snaps under center.

You have to have a deep passing game within your offense. It's got to be incorporated in some form or fashion.

When I'm aggressive and things are moving quick and my feet are in place, I'm a better, more accurate thrower.

I'm pretty OCD. I like to fine-tune every single detail. I think that's a habit built maybe from me being OCD.

I stay away from online dating. Interacting with the person right in front of you is a much easier way to talk.

My main focus was to be a great teammate. That's all I hoped to accomplish. I don't really care about legacies.

Getting an education, building relationships and lasting friendships for the rest of your life... you can't take that away.

I understand that football is only a certain time in my life, and my degree will help me sustain my life well past football.

You have great assets if you're a dual-threat, but you still have to throw from the pocket and do all those types of things.

You know what? For myself, I kind of like the spy because it takes another guy out of coverage or another guy out of rushing.

Any time you're recovering from an injury, your main focus is trying to get back into shape, really just getting healthy again.

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