Australian wine and Australian women - that's my weak point. Ha ha ha ha.

I need somebody with staying power who will make me go weak in the knees.

When a thought is too weak to be expressed simply, it should be rejected.

Profanity is the result of a weak mind trying to express itself forcably.

I want to encourage women not to feel weak. Don't be afraid to speak out.

Liberty is so much latitude as the powerful choose to accord to the weak.

There's no glory and no respect in making fun of the weak, the powerless.

To be weak, and to know it, is something of a punishment for a proud man.

Why do you think you are weak? Wake up and see you have all the strength.

We have the best sporting event in the world in polo, and yet it is weak.

Robert Benchley has a style that is weak and lies down frequently to rest.

Astrology and all these mystical things are generally signs of a weak mind

Compassion doesn't have to be weak or enabling; it can also be quite bold.

I don't ever want to have a weak episode of television with my name on it.

Sorrow is a fruit. God does not make it grow on limbs too weak to bear it.

Those, that with haste will make a mighty fire, Begin it with weak straws.

Tender pauses speak The overflow of gladness, When words are all too weak.

Positive feedback makes the strong grow stronger and the weak grow weaker.

To stimulate wildly weak and untrained minds is to play with mighty fires.

Occasions do not make a man either strong or weak but they show what he is.

Like all weak men he laid an exaggerated stress on not changing one's mind.

Though I am weak, yet God, when prayed, Cannot withhold his conquering aid.

You can sit there and worry yourself sick if you're a mentally weak person.

The Times is getting more detestable (but that is too weak word) than ever.

It is by its promise of a sense of power that evil often attracts the weak.

LORD strengthen me where I am too weak and weaken me where I am too strong!

Even those of us who have weak faith have the same strong Christ as others!

If you ask, do you like strong men or weak men, I'd say, I like who I like.

I don't think I've the luxury of being weak. Being strong is my only option.

But what a weak barrier is truth when it stands in the way of an hypothesis!

It is the characteristic of a weak and diseased mind to fear the unfamiliar.

The reaction of weak management to weak operations is often weak accounting.

Our piety must be weak and imperfect if it do not conquer our fear of death.

I wouldn't poke fun at someone if they were weak. I wouldn't bully somebody.

Law can discover sin, but not remove, Save by those shadowy expiations weak.

Because Islam in its original form was tough and hard, not weak and pliable.

You are human and mortal; we are the sum of our weak moments and our strong.

You don't want to be the weak link or the person who lets other people down.

There's nothing wrong or weak about seeking a therapist. I have a therapist.

Weapons are created to be used. There's no place for the weak on this earth.

It's weak and despicable to go on wanting things and not trying to get them.

The first time I kissed Brad my knees went weak - I literally lost my breath!

It's been said that the men in my books have been absent, or weak, or creepy.

Blessed are the weak who think that they are good because they have no claws.

Experience informs us that the first defence of weak minds is to recriminate.

As separate people, we are weak, but we could be a peaceful, powerful nation.

I don't drink at lunchtime because I'm very weak at alcohol like most Asians.

It's okay to accept things from people. It doesn't make you weak or helpless.

I'm not a strong woman at all. And I'm not a feminist. In fact, I'm very weak.

A democracy when put to the strain grows weak, and is supplanted by Oligarchy.

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