I am never rich in money, and I am never meanly poor.

I'd like to live like a poor man with a lot of money.

Physical wealth has not necessarily been very secure.

Choice dependent on wealth; those are the Tory words.

Compassion is the currency that leads to true wealth.

The wealth within you, your essence, is your kingdom.

Tax bills create wealth. They help people live better.

Knowledge makes one laugh, but wealth makes one dance.

Wealth is not his that has it, but his that enjoys it.

The Puritans were obsessed with the dangers of wealth.

Being rich has never stopped anyone from being greedy.

Wealth is power. With wealth many things are possible.

No wealth like education and no poverty like ignorance

Seek not material wealth, seek the Lord who owns it all

A wealth of information creates a poverty of attention.

I can walk. It's just that I'm so rich I don't need to.

The only thing I like about rich people is their money.

A woman's best protection is a little money of her own.

The wealth of society is its stock of productive labor.

Nothing is great but the inexhaustible wealth of nature.

I've got wealth and fame but I haven't changed my roots.

Riches are first to be sought for; after wealth, virtue.

We draw the line against misconduct, not against wealth.

You can't tell a millionaire's son from a billionaire's.

Stealing has always been a way of redistributing wealth.

I wish you health, and more than wealth, I wish you love

To build wealth today, you must be in your own business.

When all a man has is worldly wealth, he is poor indeed.

The more wealth a man has, the louder his children talk.

Broke is a temporary condition, poor is a state of mind.

The highest price we can pay for anything; is to ask it.

Isn´t it strange how wealth is always wasted on the rich?

Riches have never yet given anybody either peace or rest.

Where there is no want, there is usually much wantonness.

As a general rule, nobody has money who ought to have it.

The only question with wealth is, what do you do with it?

Prosperity is like perfume, it often makes the head ache.

Our wisdom is no less at fortune's mercy than our wealth.

Inherited wealth, that is not what America is based upon.

Riches are not an end of life, but an instrument of life.

Happiness is the legal-tender of the soul. Joy is wealth.

True wealth is having your health, and knowledge of self.

Nobody has a money problem - there are only idea problems.

Wealth is not wisdom's goal, but is often wisdom's reward.

The only wealth you keep is the wealth that you give away.

I trust no rich man who is officiously kind to a poor man.

You can't take it with you - but you can send it on ahead.

Oil wealth has been a curse on us, made us weak and docile.

Great wealth, like a crowd at a concert, Gathers and melts.

Hereditary wealth is in reality a premium paid to idleness.

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