In fair weather prepare for foul.

In fair weather prepare for foul.

I love cold weather.

Come rain or come shine.

Weather creates character.

I don't like cold weather.

I love cold, rainy weather.

There is no weather in malls.

I like the weather in England.

After rain comes fair weather.

I'm not a fan of cold weather.

Life is weather. Life is meals.

To a child all weather is cold.

Atheism is easy in fair weather.

I was so cold I almost got married.

Weather forecast for tonight: dark.

I cannot command winds and weather.

In warm weather, people are sillier.

I can't stand light. I hate weather.

The weather still continues charming.

You never judge a day by the weather!

I've always been fascinated by weather.

Bad weather makes for good photography.

After the rain cometh the fair weather.

The government can't change the weather.

A green Christmas makes a fat graveyard.

Go where the weather suits your clothes.

On cable TV, they have a weather channel

You bring your own weather to the picnic.

I always prefer the weather to be cooler.

I love being in a city with great weather.

I'm a big follower and reactor to weather.

I've never been one to bet on the weather.

I love the rain. It's my favorite weather.

My courage does not depend on the weather.

We should never judge a day by its weather.

There is no bad weather, just soft runners.

Look at that moon. Potato weather for sure.

Rock & Rollers don't dress for the weather.

I love the warm weather being from Buffalo.

Britain possesses no climate, only weather.

I love California. The weather is fantastic.

Change of weather is the discourse of fools.

The weather is here Wish you were beautiful.

People can commend the weather without envy.

The economy is a thoughtless weather system.

I think the warm weather is perfect for love.

Two women placed together makes cold weather.

I do something about the weather. I stay home.

Fair weather weddings make fair weather lives.

Homosexuality is like the weather. It just is.

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