O month when they who love must love and wed.

I'm not wed to bitcoin's blockchain. I'm blockchain-agnostic.

The trouble with wedlock is that there's not enough wed and too much lock.

I'm working 2 days a week right now, narration usually on Wed., and host on camera on Friday.

It is wrong for the federal government to deny benefits or privileges to couples who have lawfully wed.

Whoever, fleeing marriage and the sorrows that women cause, does not wish to wed comes to a deadly old age.

The moment when my husband and I clasped hands and turned from our officiant, newly wed, was the most light-filled of my life.

Men are April when they woo, December when they wed. Maids are May when they are maids, but the sky changes when they are wives.

Lady Diana Spencer looked to relatively unknown designers - David and Elizabeth Emanuel, recently graduated from the Royal College of Art - when she wed Prince Charles in 1981.

I have two passions in my life. One is to raise the awareness of the internment of Japanese-American citizens. My other passion is the theater. And I've been able to wed the two passions.

That's actually how my parents met. They were pen pals. My mom was in the Philippines and my father was in the States, and they wrote to each other. He went out to meet her, and they wed not too long after.

American policy seems to be wed to a perpetual state of war. Why? History shows that the world will always be in flux or turmoil, with different peoples competing for visibility and power. The U.S. cannot fix the fate of every nation.

Education has fundamentally changed my life. It's perhaps the mission of my life. I'm wed to it in a very powerful and personal way. And I chose the pathway that I believe could make me the most significant on changing the outcomes that we see now in North Carolina.

Since I believe that a person's philosophical point of view has little meaning if it is not matched by being and action, I found myself willingly wed to an endless series of unpopular causes, experiences which I feel enriched my writing as much as they depleted other aspects of my life.

The prospects for a coherent, hilarious and consistent American comedy seem to lessen every year, as the poor waterlogged, gassy corpse called 'Evan Almighty' proved when it floated ashore recently. So there's a temptation to think too highly of Robin Williams's uneven but occasionally funny 'License to Wed.'

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