The fool wonders, the wise man asks.

He was a wise man who invented beer.

The fool wanders, a wise man travels.

No wise man ever wished to be younger.

Knowledge is the treasure of a wise man.

It takes a very wise man to act the fool.

A wise man turns chance into good fortune.

The wise man does not grow old, but ripens.

It takes a wise man to discover a wise man.

It takes a wise man to recognize a wise man.

A wise man thinks what is easy is difficult.

It is best for the wise man not to seem wise.

The wise man reads both books and life itself.

Make the wise man within you your living ideal.

Travel makes a wise man better, and a fool worse.

He was a wise man who originated the idea of God.

A wise man proportions his belief to the evidence.

A wise man never loses anything, if he has himself.

A fool sees not the same tree that a wise man sees.

The wise man does at once what the fool does finally.

A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds.

A fool flatters himself, a wise man flatters the fool.

From the errors of others, a wise man corrects his own.

The only competition worthy a wise man is with himself.

Who then is free? The wise man who can command himself.

A wise man does not chatter with one whose mind is sick.

Who is the wise man? He who sees what's going to be born.

The only competition worthy of a wise man is with himself.

The wise man is he who knows the relative value of things.

A wise man sees as much as he ought, not as much as he can.

A wise man should have money in his head, but not in his heart.

Nothing can confound a wise man more than laughter from a dunce.

The secret of the wise man is to learn from the errors of others.

A wise man will live as much within his wit as within his income.

There is only a finger's difference between a wise man and a fool.

It is a wise man who knows where courage ends and stupidity begins.

Think like a wise man but communicate in the language of the people.

Death never takes the wise man by surprise, he is always ready to go.

It takes a wise man to handle a lie, a fool had better remain honest.

The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself a fool.

Putting is not an art, it's a dreaded evil. No wise man ever said that.

A wise man gets more use from his enemies than a fool from his friends.

All this worldly wisdom was once the unamiable heresy of some wise man.

The most hateful human misfortune is for a wise man to have no influence.

The wise man knows how to run his life so that contemplation is possible.

A wise man thinks it more advantageous not to join the battle than to win.

The wise man doesn't give the right answers, he poses the right questions.

A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool.

A smart man only believes half of what he hears, a wise man knows which half.

For the wise man looks into space and he knows there is no limited dimensions.

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