Women think with their whole bodies and they see things as a whole more than men do.

You don't really see too many straight friendships between men and women on 'Mad Men.'

It's incredibly unfair. You don't see a lot of 60-year-old women with 20-year-old men onscreen.

In other restaurants you'll see employees signing to each other, since we also hire many deaf men and women.

More men than women like 'Strangers With Candy'. Pretty girls don't like the show. They don't like to see an ugly lady.

There are older men with younger women but you don't see a lot of older women with younger men. There are some women who have been able to do it but not often.

A writer who presents men and women as creatures truncated below the waist is exposed as one who goes about without his trousers saying, 'see, I have had my testicles removed.'

Women have taken on traditionally masculine roles and professions, and there is no real equivalent for men. Men are still extremely reluctant, as we all are reluctant to see them, take on traditionally feminine roles or professions. That is just not something that they do easily.

I think men are more adventurous in that they're more likely to take chances. Women play it safe. But now, maybe more of the women that see how it's working for the guys think, 'I can do that, too'. Maybe they'll pick male players, not necessarily female players; it's just whatever that match is that works for that player.

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