Respect for self is the beginning of cultivating virtue in men and women.

I have a whole, whole lot of respect for the men and women that serve our country.

I respect women but do not necessarily believe that women need to compete with men.

I definitely respect the men and women who came before me and how much those people gave to me musically.

Some men are afraid of women who challenge them and demand respect and answers. That's who I am and will always be.

Men can be sex symbols and also earn respect for their professional accomplishments, and the same standard should apply to women.

Young women should realize that young men they date will not honor and respect them if they have been involved in moral transgression.

I have genuine respect for women and I want to win their respect. I don't want them to look at me and say, 'Oh, another man with the same attitudes as most men.'

Respect is very important in a workplace for every woman, man, and child. We have to make our industry safe for women, men, and children. Everyone should be given equal respect.

I have the most utmost respect for the men and women overseas, and I only played a soldier on television. Again, I can only imagine the sacrifices that they make every single day.

You can ask my wife - there has always been mutual respect between us, and I believe women should be respected for what they are; at no point should they feel the need to be like men.

President Obama has made it his mission that we welcome our troops home with care and concern and the respect they deserve. That is how an exceptional nation says thank you to its most exceptional men and women.

Is woman a religion? Well, perhaps you will have the chance of judging for yourselves if you go to America. There you will find men treating women with just the same respect formerly accorded only to religious dignitaries or to great nobles.

Our boys need to look up to older people around them, especially male figures, to be able to express their full person and potential, but that is only possible if they are raised in a culture that celebrates men and women with the same equal rights, freedoms and respect.

Bumble was founded with several key values: empowerment, equality, and kindness. We are a company that was built to empower women and empower men to respect women. We want to create a place where all types of connections take place: a platform and a brand where women always make the first move.

I think women are much more open to new ideas but approach a line more from a more personal and skeptical place - you need to seduce them into your clothes, whereas most men just like to be told what they should be wearing. Women are a bit like cats and men like dogs in that respect when it comes to clothes.

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