'Candida' was difficult: stimulating but very wordy.

I've always been very wordy; I've got a great vocabulary.

I decline all noisy, wordy, confused, and personal controversies.

Sometimes people write novels and they just be so wordy and so self-absorbed.

Alan Moore's writing is almost novelistic. It's very intricate and wordy and smart.

I seem to be the most wordy when it comes to monsters because I'm a bit of a monster freak.

Blessed is the man, who having nothing to say, abstains from giving wordy evidence of the fact.

A lot of underground hip-hop will inspire me as far as rhyme patterns - really wordy, intelligent lyrics.

There are words I don't want to say in my music. Some will say: 'Don't forget me.' I prefer: 'Always remember me.' I'm very wordy and psychological.

I've always written songs that were confessional, acoustic, wordy - my writing style matches my personality. The music always has to match the mouth it comes out of.

I had never thought of myself as a dramatist, and, for really good technical results, the thought came too late: a man of letters has become too wordy to write economically for the stage.

EVOO is extra-virgin olive oil. I first coined 'EVOO' on my cooking show because saying 'extra virgin olive oil' over and over was wordy, and I'm an impatient girl - that's why I make 30-minute meals!

I'd never done a straight play before, never, and it was very hard work - really, really hard work. It was dense, really wordy, and I was determined to learn every word of it - not just skip over bits and pieces.

I'm going to start work on developing a series for HBO, because I'm naturally given to episodic stories of considerable length. And I won't have to listen to complaints about how wordy and long my work is if you can watch it on your telephone on the subway: You can make it conform to your day as if it were a book.

I was conscious of being wordy as a child. I was a terrible talker. I memorised the Latin names of flowers at five; I was shown off as a freak. My father encouraged me to be wordier than I was: he'd been a street orator at the time of Mosley, and his ideal primary concert speech was Henry V's speech before Harfleur.

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