I've always built furniture and done farm work.

I've always done ab work, even when I was pregnant.

I'll always dance for fun, but for work? I've done it, dude.

I have always been arrogantly confident about the work I have done.

I always claim that the writer has done 90 percent of the director's work.

In terms of work, I'm doing exactly the same as I've always done. It's what's around me that's changed.

I always say, one way to connect with a working mother is to ask her what she has done before work that day!

I will always have two regrets. I don't have a presence in London, and I would have liked to have done more work in the Middle East.

I always want to do something I haven't done before and get to work with other actors, writers, or directors that I want to work with.

I always wanted to be a professional cricketer, which meant I didn't work as much as I should have done at exams. But, happily, it came off.

What I've always liked as an actor is to do a lot of different kinds of things. I've done musicals, stage, TV and lots of different styles of work.

I never believed I wouldn't make it - and perhaps that's why I've always found work. I've always stuck at everything I've ever done. I absolutely won't give up.

I think when you take the big swings - and I've done plenty of big swings that I was told were never going to work - those are always the things that break through.

I'm never sloppy, and I never wear jeans. I don't work one look in particular, but it's usually retro - I'm a flea-market freak. And detailed - I'm always very done, even at the gym.

I've always wanted to pull off 'No One is to Blame' by Howard Jones. I've done that a couple times in solo shows, but I can't figure out how to do that with a full band and make it work.

I always sort of create practical problems so that I don't have to see a film I've just done. I'm too vulnerable, too fragile. People see your work, and there's nothing you can do. You're completely exposed.

I have been under considerable pressure to buy at least a laptop computer. I have always turned the suggestions down for the reason that I have never done creative work on a typewriter. There is to me a lack of empathy.

I had done some commercial work in junior high and stuff - my mother would bring me into the city, and we'd go on these crazy castings. Acting was something I always dreamed of doing... it was my passion when I was young.

I was always crazy about New York, dependent on it, scared of it - well, it is dangerous - but beyond that there was the pressure of being young and of not yet having done work you really liked, trademark work, breakthrough work.

I'm for experimentation. I'm for trying things. That's true whether we're talking about hardware or personnel issues. We need to try some things, because doing what we have always done because we've always done it that way doesn't work.

There are many factors that affect crime rates. But we recognize that the main reason crime has decreased has always been - and always will be - the dangerous and stressful work done by state and local law enforcement officers day in and day out.

I'm always amazed when anybody remembers anything of my work, and even more so when I get nominated for something I've done. For many years, I was like a horse wearing a pair of blinkers as far as using these awards or nominations in order to boost my career was concerned.

I have always wanted to work in the theater. I've always felt the glamour of being backstage and that excitement, but I've never actually done it - not since I was in 5th grade, really. But I've had many plays in my films. I feel like maybe theater is a part of my movie work.

The thing about theater that always and still kind of makes me edgy is that you work and work and work and work, and then you're just in performance mode, and then you have to just be on; the work is done, and then you just have to do it over and over again, so you're just constantly at that performance level.

I always had ambitions to work in the U.K. I just never thought it was gonna happen so soon. So I think, obviously, I wouldn't have gotten 'The Riot Club' if I wasn't in England. I wouldn't have gotten 'Pride' if I hadn't done 'The Riot Club.' And so maybe I would just have been on a totally different trajectory, but who knows?

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