Good work will come to you when your film does well.

But if an iron doesn't work, or if it doesn't feel good, I will switch it out.

What we instill in our kids is that if you work hard, good things will happen.

Don't worry about being a star, worry about doing good work, and all that will come to you.

If you're good at what you do regardless of what is thrown in front of you, you will make it work.

In theory I know that if you have a universal theme and a good story told well, it will work everywhere.

If the packaging is good - the actors, director and producer - then it will work, even if the product is not good.

If you work well, the country will be in good order, and it will be a blessing to the country. The country needs good care.

Even if I was running an idli shop for a living, I know that my idlis will taste good because that's how highly I rate my work ethic.

And I think a good writer's gonna make it interesting. From the first paragraph it will all be interesting. Just work at it and work at it and work at it.

I choose work that is hard to pull off. And it's scary how things can go wrong. But if there's no risk involved, it's not challenging. A good idea will survive any process.

The industry doesn't usually say nice things about my work. My films take a while till they are accepted as good and I think 'Yennai Arindhaal' too will go through that phase.

I don't watch many films. I just make sure my directors are really good. I will work even with a debut director, but the one-hour narration of the script should be mind-blowing.

Simply, if you're working with good material, then it's right there, and you don't have to try so hard as an actor; you don't have to do so much. Just let the material sit inside you and let it come out. Just say the words. That was the main thing that I learned from doing Aaron Sorkin's work - say the words, and everything else will happen.

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