The Scottish Government will continue to do all it can to get people into work.

If you want to be a government in a minority Parliament, you have to work with other people.

Government is not just about maintaining the status quo. It's about helping people's lives to work.

The government should now launch an initiative to encourage people to join the social work profession.

The government's intention is to function, to have debates in Parliament, and to work in the interest of the people.

It's a wonderful feeling to work in a country where the government's first concern is for its people, for all its people.

I'm in a left-wing government, unashamedly... but I also want to work with people from the Right who commit to the same values.

All of the people who work in the Russian government and Russian presidential administration, in this way or another, work for Vladimir Putin.

My work in government has flowed from the fundamental idea of personal empowerment. It's about giving people the tools they need to pave their own way.

The significant disparity in work opportunities for people with disabilities is the direct result of government programs and policies that propagate dependency.

I'm coming to Washington, D.C., to do the people's work. And the people's work has to do with reducing spending and cutting budgets and, and trying to get a grip on the size of government.

While these attitudes are more visible when directed at government, there is ample evidence that many working people distrust their own union as much as they do the corporation they work for.

People have been very strong against Obamacare since I was first elected, and they still feel that way. They want us to work to get rid of it. They also are very strong for keeping the government running.

Government cannot do it all. As we work hard to break welfare dependency and get young people ready for the labour market, we need businesses to give them a chance and not just fall back on labour from abroad.

The challenge is to reach out to everyone, 'especially those who have fallen for fake news and 'misleading advertisements. This government, for 56 months, misled the people by saying Modi didn't let them work.

I was a case officer, otherwise known as an operations officer. My role was to go out and convince Al Qaeda operatives to instead work with us as well as to convince people and officials in foreign governments to work on behalf of the U.S. government secretly.

The Republican name used to be synonymous with limiting the size and scope of government, and we need to re-establish that reputation. We must work to eliminate government waste, make certain taxpayer dollars go to meaningful programs, and leave resources directly with the people.

I've been subject to how many security clearance procedures and I must say as irritating as some people may find them I think they are absolutely essential to making sure that people who work in sensitive positions in the national security field in our government are entirely loyal to the United States.

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