I've been lucky. The critics never went out of their way to single me out for doing bad work.

I didn't work for a couple of years after the Oscar because everybody kept offering me bad versions of Lynda Dummar.

I don't like to be feared, and I can't work in conflict, I'm very bad with conflict. I try to avoid it, it paralyzes me.

I think I have this field around me that makes electronics work bad. It's not like an entropy thing; it happens very quickly.

The NBA never wanted to use me to market their work even though I have a huge following and lots of fans. I was the bad guy to them.

Listen: when you work for an employer for six years, are you gonna sit here and tell me you ain't gotta bad thing to say about them?

Breaking Bad' gave me a career. It gave me more work than I could possibly imagine - I started filming it when I was 14 years old, and I finished when I was turning 21.

There's really not much that people can pick on me for my work, so obviously they find other reasons to write something bad about me. I mean, people enjoy reading bad stuff about people.

I had a nervous breakdown when I was 17 or 18, when I had to go and work with Marky Mark and Herb Ritts. It didn't feel like me at all. I felt really bad about straddling this buff guy. I didn't like it.

I have done a lot of work for affordable housing, rental housing. I understand the rap on me and other liberals is, oh, we push poor people into homeownership. And it's exactly the opposite of the case. We were trying to prevent those kinds of bad loans.

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