It's a sin to be tired.

I like creating images.

I am not a fashion freak!

I don't mind a bikini bottom.

I'm not a show-off by nature.

I don't want to be this skinny.

I havent partied since...last Friday!

It's kind of rebellious to be yourself.

Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.

You try and remember, but it never works.

I make jam, and oh my God, it is so delicious.

A celebrity now is someone who's on the telly.

I have met almost everyone I've wanted to meet.

I do love New York. But I'm a Londoner at heart.

I was really, really star-struck when I met Prince.

It's neurotic fat women who hate me--they're stupid

People don't hear me talk. They don't expect me to.

I love the Royal Family. The Queen, she's fabulous.

I like a scarf with a shirt; it throws it off a bit.

Dressing is like modelling - you can constantly adapt.

I don't think modelling is a career I'm going to pursue.

I thought it was quite vain to say, I want to be a model.

At night, I love dressing up. I love putting on an outfit.

Even if I wore a hat and a wig, you can always tell it's me.

No phone, a movie, a glass of wine, and some salad. Perfect!

That Lana Del Rey is quite cute, isn't she? I quite like her.

You've got to stay ahead of the game to be able to stay in it.

I was lucky to be with Johnny... he taught me a lot about fame.

Now I'm being blamed not only for anorexia but for lung cancer.

Going to the gym wouldn't be on my list of favorite things to do.

Yeah, I like clothes, but I hardly ever go shopping. Hardly ever!

When Lila was born, "I felt like, now I've got a partner in crime".

I definitely feel more comfortable in my own skin since turning 40.

Modeling is a job. Even my mum doesn't believe that I do work hard.

I cut up loads. I always want everything shorter, shorter, shorter.

I've been blamed for everything, from smoking to heroin to anorexia.

I have made some of the best friends that I've got in this business.

I think women are really good at multitasking. Men just cannot do it.

Actors do like watching girls parade down the runway for some reason.

What people say isn't going to stop me. I have to do things for myself.

I never did a dirty armpit. You can look dirty, but you can't be dirty.

I'm not traditionally a beauty, but apparently people think I'm alright.

I have the whole costume from Playboy's sixtieth-anniversary cover shoot.

I try and be as normal as I can, but it's all pretty mental to be honest.

I wanted it to be kind of dreamy and 1920s, when everything is soft-focus.

I just haven't found anyone that I want to spend long periods of time with.

If I'm going dancing, then I wear the highest heels with the shortest dress.

I don't like doing [things] as myself...I like to be made into someone else.

I have a dress-up chest at home. I love to create this fantasy kind of thing.

If I'm going to work, I put black jeans on, a T-shirt, a shirt, and a jacket.

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