For me the meaning of my work is much more fluid.

More flirtatious than me. I couldn't work it like she did.

The entire industry saw 'Pink' and it helped me get more work.

I think my work has become more interesting, well to me anyway.

I'm not complaining if my work is getting more recognition than me.

I'm not a tabula rasa type. In some ways, the more constraints I have, the work is more interesting to me.

Some years you have more work and some years less. That does not bother me. What matters is the end product.

There's so much more to me as a human being than just my appearance, and I want to integrate that into my work.

Certainly, when you're dealing with more deep, emotional work and sensory work, for me, it helps me to just stay in it.

I would do whatever I could to make Jeremy Corbyn more electable, but you've got to give me something to work with, mate.

It seems to me that the idea traditionally defended of endeavoring to maintain existing ethnic balances simply doesn't work any more.

My work on the Judiciary Committee has made me more aware of the InfoWars content than when I appeared previously in a very standard and respectful interview.

When I'm working, especially when the role is very intense or very demanding, I actually tend to relax just innately afterwards because work relaxes me more than anything.

I liked in television that you do some work, then you perform, then you stop and you have a break because they have to set up lights, and then you do some more work. I really liked the pace of it; it really agreed with me.

I've found that it's actually more of a disability to be tall than short. I have no problem fitting into plane toilets etc, and the adaptations made for wheelchair users - such as the lowering of bank machines - work for me as well.

I liked in television that you do some work, then you perform, then you stop and you have a break because they have to set up lights, and then you do some more work. I really liked the pace of it; it really agreed with me. I enjoyed it.

I think of Ray Harryhausen's work - I knew his name before I knew any actor or director's names. His films had an impact on me very early on, probably even more than Disney. I think that's what made me interested in animation: His work.

When there wasn't a lot of work, I wrote a screenplay, 'What Lies Beneath,' which got noticed and got me more acting jobs. As I got more jobs, I was able to make my own films. That ethos of making my own work has provided me with a lot of opportunities.

When it comes to work, I'm not competitive at all. Having Cara as my baby, I had to learn quite quickly that I couldn't be competitive because I had a sister who meant more to me. And I knew she was going to be brilliant, so I had to become very aware of not comparing.

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