My parents wanted me to work in a bank or as an accountant.

Teachers tell me that they'd like to work more closely with parents.

My parents instilled a very strong work ethic in me from a young age, fortunately.

You have to work hard if you want something, and my parents instilled that into me when I was really young.

My parents never told me to get a real job. They always said, 'Go for it! If this is what you want to do, work hard.' They were always very supportive.

My parents instilled a lot of American values in me. They encouraged me to work hard and told me that anything was possible for me because I was a citizen.

Now I've gotten to know more about the industry. And now that I'm over 18, I can work without my parents on set. That was nice and helped me get comfortable.

There's a lot of kids just like me growing up in the Philippines, so I don't want them to give up. So listen to your parents, work hard and you can achieve so much.

For me, I grew up in a house doing charity work for homeless people, and my parents had a lot of homeless friends. We were always taught to not discriminate and not judge.

Peaky' is a very personal thing for me because it's based on stories that I was told as a kid by my parents. At the very beginning, I tried to have other writers involved but it just didn't work.

I didn't finish college; my parents didn't graduate college - we didn't have a pot to piss in. I'm from Newark, New Jersey. I had to work. I didn't think it would be possible for me to be an artist without having a job.

If it's old school friends that my parents know, then I can stay out till late. But if they don't know them, they want me home by 9 P.M. If I have work, then I don't have a deadline. I don't argue with them. That's how I have been raised, and I'm happy with it.

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