Let's be honest, I have enough money to never have to work again.

Most people work just hard enough not to get fired and get paid just enough money not to quit.

There were times when I didn't have enough money, I didn't have enough work, and I would panic.

If you don't want to work you have to work to earn enough money so that you won't have to work.

I'm hoping to earn enough to buy a few properties, that way I can make money that way and I want to do social work.

I genuinely have to work - I don't have enough money not to. But the last thing I would want is to be looked after.

I'm not Russell Brand or Ricky Gervais, but I have enough money that I don't have to work. Most people who've done what I do don't have that.

There are very few groups that really stay together. The leaders of groups make enough money to be able to afford to work a maximum of 35-40 weeks a year.

Sometimes I feel like I need to work, work, work to make sure that I put up enough money for the kids and make sure I secure finances so that we can be safe.

Alas few socialists are either benevolent enough to work hard at these occupations out of benevolence or self-interested enough to work hard at them for money.

Most independent filmmakers in Britain and North America work for commercial crews and then have their own projects when they've got enough money saved up to do so.

I'm missing work. We didn't have enough money for preschool. I had a panic attack. I couldn't do it. I became one of those horrible foster parents who give the kids back.

When I was growing up, my parents would apologize when we didn't have enough money for something. I'd always tell them that it was O.K. and that I had learned to work hard because of them.

I feel like we bring in a lot of money to the universities. We put in a lot of work. Some guys don't have enough money to bring their families to the games... so I feel like athletes should be compensated for it.

At a lot of college graduations, you'll hear people say, 'Follow your passions,' and that is important, but no one talks about the stress of not having enough money, the issues of debt, and the issues of work stress.

You and I can be busy, and we take a vacation from work. You can't take a break from being poor. You can't say, 'Hey I've had enough of worrying about money, I'm just going to be rich for a couple of weeks until I've recovered.'

I've been offered jobs by companies that supported apartheid many times in the 25 years of my modeling career, but I have never taken one of them. I have to refuse that money, because I'm not going to work against my people. They've suffered enough.

I had, like, two goals in my career: One was to try to get into 'Second City.' When I moved to Chicago, my goal was to try to work at 'Second City.' And beyond that, my goal was to make enough money as an actor to not do anything else but act, not have to go and wait tables again.

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