I grew up with 'The Little Rascals' and always try to work a link into every one of my movies.

I've never made any horrible, horrible movies. If you don't ruin your reputation, you can always get work.

You can say that I have always dreamed big. As an actor you want the world to see your work and my dream was to make movies.

I like the gray movies. I don't know if audiences always... it makes them work a little harder. And they have to work hard in 'Hoover.'

My ambition has always been to work with English and American actors and directors. Those were the movies that I was watching when I was growing up.

I have never been attracted to television work. Even to appear in series and soapies. I have always appeared in theatre and major movies, writing plays and other things.

My all-time favorites that I always go back to are films by the director John Cassavetes. The movies he made, the work he left behind, have been a big influence for my work.

I had been trying to make movies, but they were really hard to get made. TV wound up, by surprise, a much more fulfilling place to work. That said, I've always been drawn to make movies.

You know, duality has always been a strong theme throughout 'Venom'-focused stories, whether it's in the comics or in movies, and that's something I think that Tom Hardy's played with in a lot of his work.

I think I've always wanted to direct, but I didn't go to film school. I was lucky enough to work in movies, and I think those became my film school in terms of acting and watching directors work and also writing and co-writing and producing.

I grew up watching movies and being amazed at the animatronics you'd see in stuff like 'The Dark Crystal,' and all those kinds of movies. So, I'm always enthralled with how they can make it all work, behind the scenes, with the visual effects.

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