The biggest thing is to work hard and keep your head on straight and work hard.

If you just keep your head down, work, and put it on the bottom line, sooner or later that takes care of everything else.

Create your own method. Don't depend slavishly on mine. Make up something that will work for you! But keep breaking traditions, I beg you.

You don't want to lose what you have - fast guy, quick guy - you don't want to lose that, but work around it, keep that as your bread and butter.

Your work is to keep cranking the flywheel that turns the gears that spin the belt in the engine of belief that keeps you and your desk in midair.

One of the things I found as a dancer is that you're trying to perfect your body but also protect it and keep it injury-free. When you work against your own weight, you're still building lean muscle and bone density, but you're in a safer zone.

All of your stakeholders have to have the right seat at the table, and they all have to be successful. It's hard to do, but you have to keep your eye on developing a meaningful relationship where it is beneficial for them. Then you work backwards from there.

Work on your writing skills. Realize that Hollywood is an industry built to keep you out, and once you're in, it's designed to cycle you out - so you have to get up every day and work all day long to give Hollywood a reason to let you in, and then to keep you in.

It is important to keep the filmmakers interested in you so they can offer you everything and anything. We actors are not given work on the basis of audience poll; the filmmaker will cast you after they see and like your work. It is essential to do different kind of films and not get typecast.

We are starting to see more and more Roblox games that offer creation. An example would be Theme Park Tycoon, which lets anyone construct a theme park on any device. You get to build roller coasters and theme parks, your work is saved, and when you come back, you can keep working on your creation.

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