A book worth reading is worth buying.

Everything that you want, you are already that.

A writer has to surprise himself to be worth reading.

Whether my columns are worth reading isn't for me to say.

You will find most books worth reading are worth reading twice.

Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.

Most of the literary classics are worth reading, if you've nothing better to do.

In my high-minded and naive way, I believed the only books worth reading were the classics.

A lot of writers dwell on their relationships with their mothers, but only a few are worth reading.

It's doubtful that any fiction worth reading has been produced on a computer running Windows Vista.

Education... has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading.

People who grew up on my books are now able to get the point across to others that they're worth reading.

The reason Saul Bellow doesn't talk to me anymore is because he knows his new novels are not worth reading.

Written poetry is worth reading once, and then should be destroyed. Let the dead poets make way for others.

I never know what I am writing. The moment you know what you're writing, you're writing nothing worth reading.

When I became poet laureate, I was in a slightly uncomfortable position because I think a lot of poetry isn't worth reading.

Don't write for money. Write because you love to do something. If you write for money, you won't write anything worth reading.

I was always taught that book keeping was more relevant than book reading. The only thing worth reading was meant to be a balance sheet.

I don't read anything anymore. I don't have the eyesight. I read my own copy, that's all. I think I've read everything that's worth reading.

The things worth writing about, and the things worth reading about, are the things that feel almost beyond description at the start and are, because of that, frightening.

I think sports makes for good drama because it has all the same ingredients as anything worth reading or listening to or watching. Conflict, desire, heartbreak - it's all there.

My son Saif is an avid reader. He points me to books worth reading. I also must do the Indian Express crossword every morning, which is not too difficult and yet not too easy either.

Some of the most famous books are the least worth reading. Their fame was due to their having done something that needed to be doing in their day. The work is done and the virtue of the book has expired.

Essayists, like poets, are born and not made, and for one worth remembering, the world is confronted with a hundred not worth reading. Your true essayist is, in a literary sense, the friend of everybody.

The thing with newspapers is that they are a filter. We're relying on the editors of that paper to be a filter and to tell you that this is worth reading about, this is quality, and this is quite reliable.

Jeremiah is a most melancholy prophet. He wails from beginning to end; he is often childish, is rarely indecent, and although it may be blasphemy to say so, he and his 'Lamentations' are really not worth reading.

Aquinas is worth reading. He has stood the test of time. And even where he errs, you can learn more from the errors of a great mind than you can learn from the truths of a small mind. You can see a whole lot farther standing on the shoulders of giants.

I entered a poem in a poetry contest around 1987, and the poem won and I received $1,000 for it. That made me realize that maybe what I was writing was worth reading to people. After that, for some reason, I turned to novels and I've written mainly novels ever since.

The publishing industry, unsurprisingly, is full of different people who love different things and express that love in different languages. Find the people, the editors and agents, with whom you share some language, and some sense of what makes literature worth reading.

Ultimately, the first, best step in getting your work noticed is to write good work. If people don't engage in your writing, no amount of serialization or free downloads is going to matter. You have to write something worth reading, and often it takes time to get at that level.

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