I was indeed very slow as a youngster.

I think I was pretty tough as a youngster.

As a youngster, my whole life was basketball.

As a youngster, I really enjoyed watching cricket.

I was always very depressed, even when I was a youngster.

Believe it or not, I was a pretty shy youngster growing up.

I grew up playing bluegrass as a youngster, and I'm happy that I did.

I was a rather tubby youngster, which was a complete surprise to my family.

As a youngster, I enjoyed sport and my ambition was to be a great sportsman.

When you chastised a youngster back in the early ages, we called it a whipping.

As a youngster, you normally have to play. How will you be one of the best not playing?

I started in television as a youngster and was 14 when I started acting professionally.

As a youngster, I was considered exceptional, and in many ways that was to my detriment.

I was raised in a Christian home and, in fact, my mother led me to Christ as a youngster.

When I was a youngster my grandparents took me sightseeing and we went on the London Eye.

White ball cricket can be taxing on bowlers and can be a distraction for a youngster, too.

As a youngster, you take a lot of things to heart, so you have to learn to trust yourself.

When I was a youngster, I might have been about 17 or 18 when I first started making beats.

I grew up as a Southern Baptist with strict adherence to the Bible, which I read as a youngster.

As a youngster, I never dreamed there could be a career actually earning a living writing music.

Each group and each youngster is different. As a leader or coach, you get to know what they need.

Because as a youngster I longed to see the Black man free and I longed to see anyone stand up for us.

As a youngster, I think I said I wanted to be a journalist, but that's a disguise for being a writer.

When I was a youngster, I was brought up in a very political background on an estate in north London.

There is no doubt that I would have won more honours had I signed for Manchester United as a youngster.

Today's youngster has a more highly developed mind, and if you start to play down to them, you lose them.

As a youngster, I played in Little League, Pony League, and all sorts of amateur baseball programs growing up.

I think I have respect from players, coaches, and certain media who watch the games. I'm not a youngster anymore.

I have watched games at the Gabba since I was a youngster, staying up for the first 10 minutes until I fell asleep.

I think I could have been quite difficult to fathom as a youngster, this kid who didn't talk about himself very much.

Bottom line: nothing of note happened when I was a youngster, really. I went to Princeton, which is where I met my wife.

Earliest musical memory is probably being scared stiff with my family's band as a youngster on stage playing the conga drums.

Back To Dad' gives a message that every youngster should learn and this is surely going to leave a very strong impact on the masses.

People ask, 'How can you let a defeat hurt you so much?' But it comes back to the effort you have put into your career as a youngster.

My parents split when I was 13. For a youngster, it's quite devastating. One minute you're all happy families, then everything changes.

If you keep telling a youngster he is no good, he might begin to doubt himself. A pat on the back could bring the very best out of him.

I think if a youngster leaves school unable to read you're kind of condemning them to a life of poverty and a life of lack of potential.

As a wicketkeeper, and as a youngster, if I don't learn, it will be very difficult. Always important to keep learning from your mistakes.

There is no point playing in the IPL when I have retired from international cricket. I did not want a youngster to miss out because of me.

Lord's is a special place. I used to love watching games there as a youngster and I've been fortunate enough to play a couple of games there.

As a youngster in the projects, I definitely didn't have anything. So if you get something, you want to be able to give back and help others.

At the age of ten, I thought if a boy kissed you on the lips, you would have a baby, and I surely wasn't the only youngster who believed that!

Yes, things have turned out to be quite different from what I had in mind as a youngster. But I'm enjoying every minute of my career as an actor.

My dream as a youngster was to be like Olivier. To be a great stage actor. To be a great Shakespearean actor. To me that is the Olympics of acting.

I was never that into the movies. Never. Even as a youngster. I became interested in movie music only because of the studio orchestras in Hollywood.

I had this dream that you get this record deal, and you're a star, and everybody loves you - but I was a youngster, and it didn't work out that way.

'What if this funny-looking youngster from Missouri is talented after all?' I think it was a nice place to grow up, but I'm glad I don't live there anymore.

My mom told me as a youngster I was always intellectual, like as far as being able to adapt fast and quick. But I had a fun childhood, went to regular school.

I always felt, right from a youngster, that it was my destiny to be a success. It sounds a little bit egotistical, but I felt I had a calling to do something.

I always had that youngster tag at Arsenal, so hopefully with this move I am able to make a name for myself in the Premier League and create history with Everton.

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