The way you carry your name is the vibe people get off it.

Be nice to people on your way up because you meet them on your way down.

The best way to persuade people is with your ears - by listening to them.

Be kind to people on the way up - you'll meet them again on your way down.

Be nice to people on your way up because you'll meet them on your way down.

Any protester knows that the only way activism works is to get the people on your side.

I go out of my way to help people, but I don't tell people. Goodness is not about beating your own drum.

Sometimes people can put way too much emphasis on looking 'hot' which can be stressful and put you in your head.

Develop your eccentricities while you are young. That way, when you get old, people won't think you're going gaga.

A lot of people can throw the drip on, but if you don't layer your chain a certain way, it doesn't complete the outfit.

The way to connect to people is to relate to who they are and do something that stretches you outside of your comfort zone.

You've got to be nice to people when you're on your way up, because you never know who you are going to meet on the way down.

You act in different ways for your own personal well-being, and you don't think about the people you hurt along the way. wish I would have thought about it.

If you can get your movie made the way you want to get it made, no matter what the end result is going to be, if people are going to see it, that's awesome.

People are really emotionally affected by actors. And it's hard to know how to behave in a way that doesn't impose or withdraw. Because everybody wants your attention.

The only way you can continue to make artistic films is to make an occasional one of those. They kind of keep your marketability going to the extent that people will employ you.

When people are your greatest asset, like at Deloitte, investments in human capital should be considered in the same way other companies might invest significantly in product R&D.

People are really emotionally affected by actors. And it's hard to know how to behave in a way that doesn't impose or withdraw. Because everybody wants your attention. Everywhere you go, you know?

You know, it takes a while to get used to - it's a whole group of people with all these ideas and after you sort of navigate your way through the first few episodes it becomes collaborative and creative.

I enjoy the debate... I haven't met a single person in Congress yet that I dislike. It's not about moderating your views: it's about being able to talk about them and defending them in a way that's uplifting to people.

It's like first grade where you make all your mistakes and people see it and yet some people see that there's something there that's really valuable. That's the way it went for more than 2 years almost 3 years of playing.

When I was twelve or thirteen, if you liked something that was outside of your friend group genre, you had to rationalize and explain it in some way. It's totally irrelevant, I think, now. I don't think anybody cares. Not young people, at least. Maybe journalists.

I think actually performing on stage when everyone's facing you and you're one person facing them, that is quite a lonely thing in a strange way. You have to be quite insular from everybody else, you've got thousands of people staring at you and you're just on your own.

Comedy is drama. I think that if your characters are feeling something that is very real, then they have to respond in a way that feels real to them, and some situations, the only response you could possibly have is to respond in a way that's so extreme that people are going to laugh.

So many comedians, if you asked them, 'What's your priority in standup?' it's probably gonna be to make people laugh or to entertain them. That is just way down on my priority list, if on my list at all. I'm into breaking records. If I can do a set and break a record and get no laughs, I'm happy.

That's what 'The Trail' ended up being, this delightful way of exploring and managing your backpack and crafting and collecting and trading with other players, doing all that in this really delicious way. When we finished that and released it on iOS and Android, tens of millions of people loved and enjoyed it.

Producing a series is like being Lewis and Clark: You know where you're going, you just don't know how you're going to get there. When people say, 'You should create a bible for your show,' I say, 'You don't want a bible. It'll prevent you from making discoveries along the way.' And that's what happened on 'The X-Files.'

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