I reinvented eyebrows.

Eyebrows are everything!

I don't like to see mess.

A thicker brow looks more feminine.

I'm blessed. I wake up happy every day.

Good eyebrows give your face definition.

Eyebrows are the framework for the entire face.

I grew up in Romania studying art and architecture.

When I meet a woman, I know how her brow will look.

Richer brows give you a sophisticated, feminine look.

I like to brush my brows up and curve them toward the end.

I know how to sew, knit, I'm a great chef, and a good dancer.

You should shape your eyebrows according to your facial structure.

In 1990, there were no services catering for eyebrows in Hollywood.

I'm not a fan of brows that look blocky and square-like at the front.

A man should not get his eyebrows shaped, he should get them groomed.

A mechanical brow pencil can create the appearance of fine brow hairs.

I'm surrounded by a lot of women and they really inspire me every day.

I use the golden ratio to create the perfect shape on my clients' faces.

I did not play with dolls. I played with a little hammer, paint and wood.

Studying technical design and art gave me the ability to see things in 3-D.

I don't ever take lunch. If I were to go to lunch I would waste four hours.

Models used to shave their eyebrows so they could pencil them in very thin.

I don't like to judge. Fashion is a form of expression, so to each their own.

The fact that I didn't speak English I think was the most difficult thing for me.

Women love lash tinting because it makes the eyes really pop in red-carpet photos.

In Romania it was normal that when you got a facial someone would tweeze your brows.

Brows that are too round tend to elongate the face making eyes look droopy and tired.

The first thing I do before I get out of bed is reach for my phone and open Instagram.

Brows more or less can sculpt the face and minimize features you find less flattering.

I think an eyebrow can change the way you feel. It changes everything about your confidence.

You couldn't have too many dreams because in the Communist regime, everything was cookie-cutter.

Your eyebrows should be proportional to your face. If they're too overwhelming, it doesn't work.

I'm not saying I'm the best. There are many painters in the world. But there is only one Picasso.

If you have a bold brow, it's best to forgo a super-smoky eye and make the lips dramatic instead.

When you're trying to recreate an era, eyebrows and hair are the most important thing to consider.

Full brows frame and accentuate your eyes, so you can get away with wearing less liner and mascara.

If you're lacking hair in your brows, applying powder over a waxy pencil will make the color stick.

Petite features should always be paired with thinner, softer brows - they don't overpower your face.

The proper eyebrows can balance wide cheekbones or make the length of the face appear more proportionate.

Draw attention to the brow bone by accentuating the area between the eye and the brow with a highlighter.

I'm always trying new creams and products to keep my skin youthful, hydrated, and protected from the sun.

Women think that smaller brows will open up their eyes, but that's wrong and it affects your entire face.

We don't want to do what everyone else does. We want to create trends. We like to think outside of the box.

Living in Constanta under communism, we did not have the ethnic diversity that I then encountered in America.

For fragrance, I only wear Portrait of a Lady by Frederic Malle. People at work know I'm there when they smell it.

If you have smaller eyes, you should choose a thinner brow that isn't very dark in color. This will open the eyes.

In my early 20s, living in a communist regime in Romania, success to me simply meant leaving and coming to America.

I came up with this technique with eyebrows - where they should start and where they should end - which I patented.

Hair on the eyebrow droops because of aging, so a groomed eyebrow on a man opens the eye and makes him looks younger.

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