It's so hard to forget pain, but it's even harder to remember ...

It's so hard to forget pain, but it's even harder to remember sweetness. We have no scar to show for happiness. We learn so little from peace.

Kids grow up connected to nothing these days, plugged in and living ...

Kids grow up connected to nothing these days, plugged in and living lives boosted to them from other people.

The only way to find true happiness is to risk being completely cut ...

The only way to find true happiness is to risk being completely cut open.

I have a lot of money.

Sorry, mom. Sorry, God.

I'm in love. So kill me.

Your heart is my piñata.

Love is a skill you learn.

David Fincher is a genius.

Writing gave me the world.

What would Tyler Durden do?

Suicide is very contagious.

you're doomed at being you.

you can make mean anything.

I want to have your abortion.

To be honest, I hate silence.

I am Jack's smirking revenge.

Believe in me and die forever.

The damaged loves the damaged.

Now is the autumn of our ennui.

Art never comes from happiness.

I would pay snakes to bite her.

Life is short, death is forever

Which is worse, hell or nothing?

I am nothing, and not even that.

You always kill the one you love.

Sex pretty much cures everything.

Self improvement is masturbation.

The answer is there is no answer.

We're the culture that cried wolf.

Masochism is a valuable job skill.

Everything is still falling apart.

The lucky ones are just born dead.

Funerals are all abstract ceremony.

I come from generations of farmers.

His computer password is "password.

We just had a near-life experience!

We kind of deny the stages of life.

I haven't shoplifted since I was 13.

There will always be an underground.

You have to keep recycling yourself.

Yes, I kidnapped that Lindberg baby.

Anymore, no one's mind is their own.

Love and life belongs to great risk.

This is passive-aggression in action.

Help me give up my addiction to Hope.

We're all of us haunted and haunting.

Look up at the stars and you're gone.

Our real discoveries come from chaos.

I know this because Tyler knows this.

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