For a moment at least, be a smile on someone else's face.

For a moment at least, be a smile on someone else's face.

Death swallows death.

Creating means living.

Life eats life to live.

We grow from our dreams.

The night is still waiting.

Love is almost never simple.

The world is God’s salvation.

Oblivion cures the old wounds.

Those who hate rain hate life.

Nothing is part of everything.

Hope without love is hopeless.

Every scent is the sun's scent.

With your goal you make the one.

Without space, there is no time.

From one bell all the bells toll.

Wherever I go, I run into myself.

There can be no forced inspiration.

In greatness, life and death merge.

There are no winners in real games.

Nobility is not only in forgiveness.

God is busy and has no time for you.

God is a cloud from which rain fell.

In the essence of truth lies deceit.

Life is only a flicker of melted ice.

Dream by making and make by dreaming.

All people are enslaved by something.

For a game, you don’t need a teacher.

The world is a navy in an empty ocean.

Teaching others, he corrected himself.

If you are good, they say you are weak.

When following God, Zero we never find.

In a myriad of ways you tell one truth.

Statesmen are grocers, ambitious clowns.

Disease often comes with a smiling face.

I recreate myself; that is my only power.

Get close to grass and you’ll see a star.

When all is lost, there is still a memory.

In every sound, the hidden silence sleeps.

All those big words produce disgust today.

There is nobody to wake up eternal seekers.

The most complicated skill Is to be simple.

Devil and God – two sides of the same face.

I fly through memory to find a newborn love.

I travel, always arriving in the same place.

Heavenly bodies are nests of invisible birds.

Do not look too far for you will see nothing.

The deeper thought is, the taller it becomes.

My mathematics is simple: one plus one = one.

You don't know anything, but I know even less.

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