Check your ego at the door. The ego can be the great success inhibitor. It can kill opportunities, and it can kill success.

I've been known to have a good step or two. I'm half Samoan, you know, and part of our culture is singing and dancing daily.

In 1995 I had $7 bucks in my pocket and knew two things: I'm broke as hell and one day I won't be. You Can Achieve Anything!

Our reputations precedes us. If I know someone is not nice, not kind, an asshole - I generally don't want to work with them.

And then all of a sudden, you're doing jumping jacks, you're happy, because Kane can talk. The Big Red Retard can finally speak.

Happy Birthday To Steph, You're a Hoe with Big Breasts, so take the Night off from Hooking... If ya Smell what The Rock's cooking!

I'm more patriotic than I am political - I appreciate politics but I'm not quite too sure if that's a road I'm willing to go down.

I can eat two large pizzas and a tray of brownies in one sitting. I'm not sharing that. We can get another one, but I ain't sharing.

When a family film is done well, there's a character that every member of the audience can relate to. I want to be one of those guys.

Always asked, 'Whats the key to success?' The key is, there is no key. Be humble, hungry and always be the hardest worker in the room.

If I like it, if I think the character is going to be fun, if I think the story is good and if it appeals to me, then I want to do it.

For 'Hercules,' I went for the demigod look: big and mean. When you're playing a character like the son of Zeus, you only get one shot.

Maybe I'll give Broadway a try. But you know what would be great? Hosting the Oscars. I promise you, that would be a show no one forgot.

You wanna do wanna go right you want to, GO?...then go get The Rock a bologna sandwich because this doesn't concern you.

For different roles, my condition and training and diet does alter. Depending on the role, it will really dictate the type of training I do.

I like the idea of working in different genres and transcending genres and hopefully finding success, and ultimately make movies people like.

My parents were dealing with evictions and repossessions and electricity getting shut off, and I just realized that I had to get it together.

Social media, to me, is like a marriage. You have to foster it and take care of it and commit to it. And you have to understand your partner.

The fans of our industry are extremely savvy. At the end of the day, they understand the business is a work. It's entertainment, nothing more.

I'm always asked, 'What's the secret to success?' But there are no secrets. Be humble. Be hungry. And always be the hardest worker in the room.

When I was a kid, I never thought much about football. I thought about following in my family's footsteps and going into professional wrestling.

I think that always makes it fun, trying to create a heroic character and putting your own twist on it and injecting your own personality into it.

The fact of the matter is this: Austin can take his ball, and go home. But as far as The Rock is concerned, as far as I'm concerned, this is home.

I don't worry about overexposure [in work], I think it's important just to go in, and think about quality work and try to put the best movies out.

On top of all that, look at this guy? I mean he's a idiot, he's 7 feet of pure idiot. You put his brain in a parakeet... zing! It'll fly backwards.

WWE is a space where I thrived, and I loved, and I still do. I love connecting with an audience; that is the greatest thing about going back to WWE.

I've always seen first responders as unsung heroes and very special people because, when everyone else is running away from danger, they run into it.

Attitude and enthusiasm play a big part in my life. I get excited about the things that inspire me. I also believe in laughing and having a good time.

I grew up in a musical family; the majority of my growing up was done in Hawaii. It's what we do. You sing, you dance, you play ukulele and you drink.

I'd love to do a musical. I've been known to have a good step or two. I'm half Samoan, you know, and part of our culture is singing and dancing daily.

I love WWE, and I love that platform. There is no other platform in the world that gives me that instant gratification. There is just no other platform.

As long as I can do something that I am passionate about and that I can really enjoy and the audience can enjoy. That is where my enthusiasm comes from.

When I was a kid at four years old, that's when I started amateur wrestling with my dad and family. And when that's instilled in you, it never goes away.

I love the 3D revolution. I love the technology today that continues to push the envelope, continues break the new ground, and continues to raise the bar.

Kevin Kelly, let The Rock answer your question with a question of his own: Are you mentally, as well as physically prepared to tickle the anus of a monkey?

If you're going to make a comedy and if your sole interest is in making people laugh and feel good and entertaining them, then you check your ego at the door.

There's something very cool as an actor when you have an opportunity to play somebody who's real, whether they're still alive or not, but who has lived a life.

Yeah, I was a delinquent. It was when I was in the ninth grade. I was doing stupid stuff, and the cops came into the class. I was humiliated more than anything.

With action films, it's great if it's not just driven by action, but by a good story and interesting characters, as well. Though, there's nothin' like kicking butt!

I have an immense amount of respect for acting. I've always loved movies and was always fascinated by movie-making. But to become an actor, I wanted to commit myself.

Playing big, heroic characters with heart is always a lot of fun. I enjoy making movies like that, and a lot of people love to live vicariously through those characters.

But I do believe that there's going to be a time where all movies are going to be made in 3D and it's just going to be a given, and that is going to be an exciting time.

I liked his ability to deal with a lot of the negativity that surrounded him. Even though he was in a world that he didn't want to be in, he still saw the bigger picture.

The whole idea is just to continue to make movies that I enjoy playing and that audiences are going to enjoy me in... just to put out quality on a lot of different levels.

As you step every day and we're going to see challenges, we going to see failures, we should certainly learn from the failures and be gracious with our successes too as well.

Training for me is a metaphor for life, period. The dedication, the determination, the desire, the work ethic, the great successes and the great failures - I take that into life.

When I was a kid, I loved Elvis, and Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones. But I had no connection to Hollywood - and being a movie star was such a far-fetched idea, growing up in Hawaii.

When I was 8 years old, I saw 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' in Charlotte, North Carolina. I walked out of there and was so inspired. I loved the movie, and I knew I wanted to be that guy.

I absolutely believed when I was young because the Tooth Fairy was always good to me. The Tooth Fairy generally left me a dollar or two dollars and, as a kid, that was a lot of money.

Take a little walk down Know You Role Boulevard, hang that right on Jabroni Drive, and then proceed to check your Aunt Jemima no-pancake-havin' ass di-rectly into the Smackdown Hotel!

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