I don't drink soda.

No one likes rubbery chicken.

Howie Mandel is the real deal.

I would ride my horse to school.

You've got balls inviting me here.

I have the best agents in the world.

I'm not a religious person by any means.

I wanted to work in corporate restaurants.

Some people are just born to cook and talk.

Food is a common denominator for all people.

I definitely eat in moderation and exercise.

I wake up in the morning thinking about food.

It's never too late to get good at something.

I don't eat sweets. I'm not a big dessert guy.

I'm not a greasy food guy. I don't eat like that.

It's OK to make mistakes... Try different things.

Food is not just eating energy. It's an experience.

I respect anybody that cooks. I know how hard it is.

I wanna be the ambassador to Chimichanga Flavor Town.

I always say that environment always affects the food.

I've never been an apron fan; it's all too cumbersome to me.

Your classic guacamole is just avocados, lime juice, and salt.

Triple D is all about three things: Food, story and character.

If you looked in my fridge, you'd see maybe 12 different mustards.

In Japanese, sushi does not mean raw fish. It means seasoned rice.

The wok is one of my favorite things to work with when I'm camping.

As soon as you wanna take away the flavor of anything, just fry it.

I can't bake anything. I'm the worst. My cakes always come out flat.

Manage the heat, let the meat cook, and you'll get fantastic results.

A lot of people who like sushi don't really like raw fish or seaweed.

It's a life lesson they need to have, a skill everybody needs - to cook.

I was even more of a Hagar fan when he was just Hagar and not Van Hagar.

I try to hike at least three times a week when I'm home in Sonoma County.

Look, the fame rocket is only on the upward trajectory for a limited time.

I always wish for more time at home or at the restaurants or on the shows.

Short of screaming-hot Thai food, everything can be suitable for kids too.

I need to stay disciplined on the road. Too much food can wreck your palate.

I love to cook for people. It's my honor, honestly. It's what I have to give.

Losing my sister to cancer was... That was the worst thing in the world, man.

Liver is my number one most hated food. Oh, God, I get sick talking about it!

We are not blessed with junk food - my family and my kids do not eat fast foods.

If you're feeling adventurous, grill up some marinated octopus. It's so healthy.

You dont have to eat a whole cheeseburger, just take a piece of the cheeseburger.

You don't have to eat a whole cheeseburger, just take a piece of the cheeseburger.

I get a lot of my inspiration from my family, but I never got to meet my dad's dad.

Avocados that haven't fully ripened will lack the big flavor you want for your dip.

Nothing, not even an avocado pit, keeps guacamole green for too long once it's made.

My friends and my family are such a massive part of my life. My kids are everything.

Contrary to popular belief, I eat all types of food. Fried food is my least favorite.

I'm a chef, I own restaurants, and there's a behavior in the kitchen you have to have.

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