Ideas without action are worthless.

Ideas without action are worthless.

Don't water your weeds.

You're as old as you behave.

Your past is not your potential.

Don't equate activity with efficiency.

Failure is an attitude, not an outcome.

America is ripe for a service revolution.

Knowledge is not power unless it is used.

Make the second effort your second nature.

If you want to stay youthful, stay useful.

Don't confuse visibility with credibility.

The sale begins when the customer says yes.

I'm a little shot that just kept on shooting.

Failure is not falling down but staying down.

No one ever went broke by saying no too often.

Never buy anything in a room with a chandelier.

Don't let ups and downs leave you down and out.

Failures don't plan to fail; they fail to plan.

For the real winners, there are no finish lines.

Believe in yourself, even when no one else does.

If you don't look ahead, you'll always be behind.

Like it or not, life is a series of competitions.

Unless you work in demolition, don't burn bridges.

Pale ink is better than the most retentive memory.

You can't buy a good reputation; you must earn it.

A student of life considers the world a classroom.

Attitudes are every bit as important as aptitudes.

If you have no destination, you'll never get there.

Failure is no more fatal than success is permanent.

If you walk backwards, you will never stub your toe.

Many people may listen, but few people actually hear.

Friends are made by many acts...and lost by only one.

You're a lot better off being scared than being bored.

Hard work often leads to success. No work seldom does.

If you don't climb the mountain, you can't see the view

You can beat 80% of the competition just by showing up.

A dream is always a bargain no matter what you pay for it

You do not get what you want. You get what you negotiate.

Say and do what you mean, but never say and do it meanly.

My Golden Rule of Networking is simple: Don't keep score.

Worrying makes you cross the bridge before you come to it.

The bridge between wishing and accomplishing is discipline.

The first successful salesperson was not a man, it was Eve.

When you're fired, you're rejected. It's as simple as that.

You'll never learn a thing from a competitor weaker than you.

Minds are like parachutes-not much good unless they are open.

The longer they keep you waiting, the more they want to deal.

Happiness can be thought, taught and caught... but not bought.

When you kill a little time, you may be murdering opportunity.

If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it.

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