Sometimes actresses are just insane.

I can usually play polarizing characters.

I'm such a hater, and will hate on anything.

In my twenties, I was a huge, insane risk-taker.

My father was a Vietnam vet, and he was Green Beret.

A lot of my world-view is formed by the places Ive been.

A lot of my world-view is formed by the places I've been.

The scariest movies, to me, are like Michael Haneke's 'Amour.'

Any new country I go, I realize the less I know, and the luckier I feel.

I just auditioned for 'The Wire' like I just auditioned for any other job.

Drama is easy to fool people with, but you can't trick people into laughing.

Corporate greed in New York won. It suffocated anything interesting out of the city.

Animals are a continuous source of inspiration and wonder to me. I would love to play a dog.

I try not to be super self-referential about my work because it becomes like navel gazing at a certain point.

Music is a very, very powerful tool that filmmakers use to sway people into emotions that they intend you to feel.

That's where the most beautiful art is always created, when you have someone not worried about what the outcome is.

Anyone who lives like a modern aristocracy, the last thing they exhibit is a sense of gratitude. Me, Im very fortunate.

Anyone who lives like a modern aristocracy, the last thing they exhibit is a sense of gratitude. Me, I'm very fortunate.

There is no external means, whether it's my career, or money or house or a wife or anything, that is going to set me right.

Just because I try to read a lot of stuff doesn't mean I can fully conceptualize all of these intense, big, abstract ideas.

I like female directors that gravitate toward masculine things. I think the danger of a male director is the over-fetishization of the masculinity.

I think all art - if it's good - is a result of really trying to create something that you can't put into words. Where language ends is where good art begins.

'Generation Kill' was not a very glamorous shoot. For all intents and purposes, it was low budget, and all the money they had went to what you see on the screen.

There's a bunch of cities I'm not crazy about, but I love Chicago. I love the musical history - the mid-'90s indie rock scene, Chicago house music. It's a great town.

Can I be a leading man? I don't believe myself to be; I don't think that I am, but I'm in this place as a performer where I think about how to make things smaller, more subtle.

I always make this comparison between Bob Dylan and David Simon. Not in the most flattering way possible - these two intellectual Jews who totally identify with the black man's struggle!

I still wrestle with the catharsis of acting. I don't end up playing a lot of likable characters, so I find myself living in a lot of unlikable skin. As a result of that I don't always feel good.

Mars would seem, to me, to be the best place to focus our collective effort as a species... I think people would like to experience something sort of hopeful in terms of where we go next... as a species.

There used to be a period of time when you'd shoot big studio movies where you would shoot a couple of pages a day. For a TV show, you've gotta shoot seven to nine. The schedules are much more compressed.

Baltimore breeds a really specific type of weirdo. Animal Collective is from Baltimore. Dan Deacon, John Waters. There's a through line of weirdness and a hard edge that I see when I meet people from that area.

Only you know what you're trying to accomplish. Any time you're thinking about whether someone's going to like this or not like this, you're f**ked. You've made the decision based in fear. Fear is the cancer to creativity.

I probably don't make as much money as people think I make. I make more than the usual medium household. I'm one of the few middle class actors out there. The microcosm of Hollywood reflects the macrocosm of international finance.

I don't end up playing a lot of likable characters, so I find myself living in a lot of unlikable skin. As a result of that, I don't always feel good. I get a lot more catharsis from taking pictures or painting or making short films.

The characters I play always seem eerily appropriate to where I am in my personal life at the time, and if they're not, there always tends to be this notion that I should be learning something to apply to my own life from these people.

I'm friends with a lot of Brits, and they tell me when they're over here what a huge phenomenon 'The Wire' has become. Some things just attain critical mass after they're already dead and buried, and I don't know why it was the case with 'The Wire'.

Idris Elba saved my butt in a point in my career that he can do whatever he wants, and I will back his decision no matter what. He got me one of my first pretty big studio gigs, and we had never worked together... It was a time in my life where I really needed it. So whatever Idris wants to do, I'm down with.

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