I'm a big Disneyland nut.

The iPad changed my life!

I believe God is in the details.

Quality is the best business plan.

I'm a huge fan of Blu-rays myself.

'Finding Nemo' was originally shot in 3D.

I have motor oil running through my veins.

Your voice is worthwhile. Have faith in it.

'Cars' is simply near and dear to my heart.

I love working for a company full of geeks.

If you can think about it, you can create it.

I love bringing the inanimate object to life.

I've got Disney blood running through my veins.

Pixar is not about computers, it's about people.

If you think something's stupid, it probably is.

One of the fun things about play is making up stories.

Toys are put on this Earth to be played with by a child.

Art challenges technology, but technology inspires the art.

I'm a big fan of pantomime storytelling, being an animator.

I believe once you watch a Miyazaki film, you'll get hooked.

'Bolt' was made by Walt Disney Animation Studios, not by Pixar.

I would get so into playing as a kid that I'd lose track of time.

I was mentored by great Disney animators at the end of their careers.

I believe that, by directing, it makes me a better executive as well.

Every Pixar movie at one time was the worst motion picture ever made.

Sunday, for me, is all about being home with the family with no plans.

I'm a car nut. My father was a parts manager at a Chevrolet dealership.

The art challenges the technology, and the technology inspires the art.

Of all studios that should be doing 2-D animation, it should be Disney.

At Pixar, good ideas may be cut from a film, but they are never forgotten.

Growing up, my favorite TV show was 'The Man From U.N.C.L.E.', hands down.

One of the big technical advances that's really great looking is the water.

What I love about Goofy is the flesh on his cheeks. You can almost feel it.

I don't believe that an animation studio should be an executive-driven studio.

When I look at the success I have, it's because of my creative-thinking skills.

When I look at the success I have, it's because of my creative thinking skills.

My mother was a high school arts teacher, so I was always surrounded by the arts

In overseeing both Disney and Pixar Animation, each studio has a unique culture.

My mother was a high school arts teacher, so I was always surrounded by the arts.

Pixar films are not realistic. They are believable for the worlds we are creating.

I'm the biggest fan of animation. I love the history of animation, I know it well.

Every young person gets so excited about new software packages and new technology.

For me, personally, I will always do G-rated films, which the world needs more of.

Short films really helped me develop as a story teller, animator, and as a director.

I have this saying. Quality is the best business plan. I believe so strongly in that.

Walt Disney always said, 'For every laugh, there should be a tear.' I believe in that.

The more we all help each other, the more we all benefit. So go out there. Help others.

I've noticed with my own kids, it seems like they have so much more homework than I did.

People want to be creatively satisfied, and having fun is such an important part of that.

I always felt a little bit like a little kid that's never grown up in the world of adults.

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