Racism is within each and every one of us.

I was raised that emotion was a good thing.

Sometimes blessings come in strange packages.

I want to believe in ghosts. I love ghost stories.

I love biting off more than I can chew and figuring it out.

There might be some sinister modern form of slavery going on.

I didn't know my father very well; I only met him a few times.

You never want to be the whitest-sounding black guy in a room.

You boil down your influences to a soup, and it all informs you.

What teenagers are ready to laugh at is the misery of other people.

How we act with each other really reveals our most animal instincts.

I'm obsessed with giving the audience something they don't see coming.

I think that human beings are the most awful monster we have ever seen.

As far as writing and directing, I'm very focused on the thriller genre.

It's very uncomfortable to talk about race. It often devolves before it begins.

I want to produce untapped voices, find people and help them get their platform.

I can fathom anything, man. I love biting off more than I can chew and figuring it out.

I am a huge fan of Quentin Tarantino, who takes time to figure out what his next movie is.

I define 'social thriller' as thriller/horror movies where the ultimate villain is society.

I've always thought of myself as an African-American comedian, African-American man, everything.

Little Haley Joel Osment in 'The Sixth Sense' can see dead people. Well, I can see racist people.

I love getting cheers. I love giving scares. Anything that really works with the audience makes me happy.

With a horror movie, you're making a metaphor. You're making a personalized nightmare for the protagonist.

It's a no-win situation with politics; it's always going to be stressful. I'm more into the comedy of life.

Now that the black experience isn't viewed as box-office death, people are catching up to untapped auteurs.

It's a no-win situation with politics, it's always going to be stressful. I'm more into the comedy of life.

The scariest monster in the world is human beings and what we are capable of, especially when we get together.

African-American music tends to have, at the very least, a glimmer of hope to it - sometimes full-fledged hope.

The conversation about race is inevitable. It's one that people know that we have to have and continue to have.

There's something kind of horrific about milk. Think about it! Think about what we're doing. Milk is kind of gross.

When people get together, we are capable of the most beautiful, amazing things. But we are also capable of genocide.

Obama was the best thing for black nerds everywhere. Finally we had a role model. Before Obama, we basically had Urkel.

I look at racism as one of the social demons. And, in its worst, it's violent and it's a systemic commitment to oppression.

I'll say this: The scariest monster in the world is human beings and what we are capable of, especially when we get together.

We can convince ourselves to do things in conjunction with one another that we wouldn't have been able to do as an individual.

Like comedy, horror has an ability to provoke thought and further the conversation on real social issues in a very powerful way.

Nobody wants to see sketch comedy that's the same sketch they've seen time and time again, or that's just a rehash of that thing.

You hear it said time and time again by successful directors: You have to make a movie for yourself. Don't make it for anyone else.

A greater truth that I think we are faced with on a day-to-day basis as minorities is: We are the color of skin first and people second.

If it's comedy, you taken an absurd comedic notion and you apply it to reality. If it's horror, if it's a thriller, you do the same thing.

Race is a universal flaw in humanity. So yes, I've been in many situations where I've felt like the outsider because of the color of my skin.

[ When I met Barack Obama] He says, I do a pretty good me myself - he said something like that. But he's - he is a close talker. He's a touchy guy.

There is something transformative if you're a black person cheering in a theater and turn to see a white person cheering for the same thing you are.

Black people who want to do comedy go into standup, where our heroes opened a lot of doors. Improv doesn't have a ton of heroes that you can look to.

I just think racism is within each and every one of us. It's everyone's responsibility to figure out how they deal with this kind of obsolete instinct.

The best comedy and horror feel like they take place in reality. You have a rule or two you are bending or heightening, but the world around it is real.

I think the lesson is that when you give black voices a platform and the opportunity to tell our story, we will tell good stories just like anybody else.

Part of what horror is, is taking risks and going somewhere that people think you're not supposed to be able to go, in the name of expressing real-life fears.

Each one of my movies is going to be about one of these different social demons. The first one, being 'Get Out,' is about race and neglect and marginalization.

'Get Out' takes on the task of exploring race in America, something that hasn't really been done within the genre since 'Night of the Living Dead' 47 years ago.

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