It's great to be named the best at something . . . even if it's sucking.

I had a lot of jobs. I worked over 50 jobs before I rapped for a living.

I still think that's successful, to make 50 bucks a day with your own music.

I was a pizza delivery man. I worked at a gas station. I worked a lot of jobs, man. A lot of jobs.

I collect wrestling figures from overseas, like Japanese wrestling figures and Mexican wrestling figures.

My most favorite entrance music of all time... it's that, "You're my obsession, you're my obsession" song [Animotion's "Obsession"].

I was a caddy. I also worked as a bouncer, selling Christmas trees at Frank's Nursery and before that, selling what they normally sell.

In Georgia, rednecks are just wolves in wolf clothing. In Detroit, you don't know who's a redneck until you go home and meet their parents.

You don't have to get high or need drugs to experience the Juggalo freshness. But you do need to get high to experience the whole Phish freshness.

I think a lot guys get laid pretending to be Shaggy 2 Dope because without his paint he's a lot more unrecognizable. He's not a gimpy gorilla like me.

To fully embark on the whole Phish experience, it's all about going to the city they built beforehand, with the fans and tent city or whatever it's called.

If I was a supervillain then I guess I'd want what all supervillains want, which is world domination. I wouldn't want anything less than all the other supervillains.

I was happy to be a scrub. I was proud to be a scrub. When I got older and I started talking to girls, part of my game when I was talking to them was to tell them how poor I was. I actually enjoyed that.

You don't have to take any drugs to experience the Juggalo world. That's where the magic comes in. Because it's fresh and magical to the people who enjoy it and the people who love it all by itself without any substances.

I worked at car washes - two or three different car washes. I worked at McDonald's and Wendy's, I worked as a dishwasher and as a telemarketer in two or three different places. I sold windows door-to-door and never once sold a window.

I was a door-to-door window salesmen in what feels like a cheap, creepy pedophile situation. And I can say that because we were a bunch of kids driving around in the back of some old guy's van and it was creepy. Now that I look back on it I get chills of creepiness.

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