I deserve a mom.

One thing I don't do is quit.

I believe in spirits, not ghosts.

I can't manipulate anybody's minds.

I have no talent. I have nothing to offer.

I like to save my money for buying houses.

I live my life on TV - it's like a home video.

I'm a fearful person. I'm afraid of everything.

In my heart, I will always love Hef and Playboy.

I moved into the Playboy Mansion at 18 years old.

I cannot be bored, and I always want to have fun.

I'm not a girl who's into home comforts and luxury.

Whenever I feel nervous, I feel like I have to poop.

I can entertain. I am a party girl. I am a free spirit.

When I was a teenager, I battled some severe depression.

I quit 'Splash!' because I couldn't dive off a 3 m. board.

I have so much to offer and so much love and emotion to show.

I love our traditional marriage. I would never cheat on Hank.

Anything negative, I have to let go because it's too toxic for me.

You can't get more glamorous than you are on 'Dancing with the Stars.'

I never, ever see myself as a celebrity or famous, so I poke fun at that.

Nobody's gonna be a perfect parent, you know? We're all doing the best we can.

Being a lead role in a play in Vegas? Like, come on! How much bigger can it get?

I'm a softball player. I'm a soccer player. I played tennis every day. I love being outside.

I'm trying to put the past to rest, but things just keep popping up to just pull me back in.

I love being a comfortable person, but I'm very open. I'm not ashamed of myself and my beliefs.

During my grandma's funeral, I looked over once and saw my mom crying, and I felt so bad for her.

The best date would have to be at a sporting event - it will show the guy what type of girl she is.

I think everything is a motive for money. Every thought, every belief, everything we're taught in school.

The path that I chose was simple - it was the exact path I should've taken, and I have no regrets at all.

I learned to cook because I want to know about the food and the ingredients going into my family's bodies.

I support Donald Trump, but I also support abortion and a women's right to choice, what to do with their body.

I think a lot of things are shoved in our face, politically and historically, for money, and that's the motive.

Hank's the most amazing person on the planet, and if it's not him, there's no one else I want to be married to.

They're always saying that tragedy brings family closer, but unfortunately, sometimes it doesn't work like that.

Any woman can make pole dancing a regular part of their exercise routine - and a fun part of their romantic life!

I don't want to be linked to anything negative. I don't want negative energy. I want everything positive around me.

I believe we all grow because we share our experiences and our problems. We all have our intimate times. Why not share them?

I gained about 60 pounds when I was preggers with Lil Hank, and I'm desperately trying not to do the same with our daughter.

I can say, out of my whole life, my dad left the situation at an early age for me; he left. But my mum turned her back on me.

When I was pregnant with Alijah, little Hank would have all these questions. Where do babies come from? So I was open with him.

After giving birth, I never brushed my hair, my teeth, or took a shower. I looked in the mirror one day and was really depressed.

I've only fallen in love once, and once was enough for me, but that doesn't mean my eyes won't wander, and it doesn't mean I won't flirt!

I'm 24 years old and yeah, I'm a different person and I'm definitely more mature, but these are the tops that I'm going to keep on wearing.

When my grandma passed away, the one person I prayed for was my mom. I just hope that she finds peace. I hope she believes in a loving life.

Being a reality star is very chaotic: it's a very dramatic job to do. I always 24/7 have to be on and ready for any type of criticism at all times.

I'm very fun; I like to have fun, and I don't like to take life too serious, so of course everybody saw me as the outgoing fun one and the crazy one.

Every woman is sexy in her own way. It is up to men to step up and make women feel like they are No. 1 on that list. There is no such thing as perfection.

While I didn't have a father around, I did have - and what I want my children to both experience - the ability to explore, experiment and enjoy life as a kid.

I had a lot of challenges losing the weight. I still haven't lost the weight yet and I don't plan on going back to the body I used to be at. I love my sexy curves!

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