No one eats pretty.

I love Chelsea Handler.

I'm meant for California.

I just think love is stupid.

I'm not really a big reader.

I don't stage my own publicity.

At night I can write for hours.

Like everybody and trust no one.

In Hollywood, you grow up quick.

I'd love to design bridal dresses.

Go with your gut, but use your head.

Fitness is a luxury when you are busy!

'What's your favorite position?' 'CEO.'

Most importantly, it´s in giving thanks.

Dating is all about the chase. It's fun!

I can sleep anywhere. I'm like an infant.

I think there is a niche for every market.

I don't have the best dating track record.

I haven't met a woman without insecurities.

People label you the way they know you best.

I'm into mellow dates with really good food.

It just is what it is. It's not always fair.

I think that I get bored easily with things.

I read a lot of 'Spark Notes' in high school.

I learn a little more and I change a little bit

I think clothes hang beautifully on thin women.

Five years on TV is a really, really long time.

Purses are dreamt up by artists, not architects.

I get very uncomfortable with people watching me.

Don't cry over someone who wouldn't cry over you.

I'm sure a lot of people don't take me seriously.

I'm a writer slash designer slash TV personality.

One thing you can't miss in your suitcase is a hat.

It's always better to be the dumper than the dumpee.

I think that when you have kids, it's all about them.

I like to know exactly what's being put into my food.

Any way to make a workout feel like playtime is great.

You should never need a guy to make you feel complete.

I'm comfortable in front of the camera, but I can't act.

Best friends are forever. That's why they're called BFFs.

Love is not a maybe thing, you know when you love someone.

There's always that one person that you always go back to.

It's a good thing to feel like you have to prove something

Every girl wants to be the one girl that can change that guy

Anyway, he's gone. Which, as you know, is how I like my men.

I do most of my shopping online. It's just convenient for me.

What is the point of working all your life and then stopping?

I always think you can never go wrong with a cute party dress.

Scripts are corny and predictable. Real life is always better.

I’m keeping my opinions to myself, they just get me in trouble.

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