Things don't happen that fast in real life.

As an actor, you learn, every time you work.

We pride ourselves on all being unique shows.

If you're not enjoying your work, what's the point?

Sometimes when you do things right, there's no results.

Comic book heroes are an important part of our culture.

It's hard to articulate what everybody else is feeling.

It's always fun to play a character that bends the rules.

I am not walking around looking like Luke Cage does at all.

If things are not working out, they just stop going forward.

Harlem is really a melting pot for a lot of different people.

New York City is a big city but a small city when it comes to theater.

Never take anything at face value. Dare to question and seek the truth.

I think when people talk about art imitating life, you're in real time.

It's a part of my DNA that I've never really taken time to revel in success.

Part of acting is always just being available emotionally and open to people.

So often, when you're playing the lead in your own show, it is all about you.

There's no book to figure out how not to become a victim of police brutality.

History repeats itself over and over again, but most of us have short memories.

I'm always very even-keeled, and I'm always waiting for the other shoe to drop.

I don't have a routine, but I have used meditation to just decompress and focus.

As an actor, I need to get excited about something that I can actually relate to.

Never say "never" about anything, because if you do, life has a way of humbling you.

I don't have social media so I'm kind of in a bubble, but I hear there's a lot going on.

What makes Luke Cage unique isn't him being black. Yes, he is black, but he has other things.

No, no. I draw the line there. Anything that's going to show an outline of my manhood is not on.

I'm pretty relaxed on what people should be able to do as long as they're not hurting anybody else.

Love, for me, is always wanting the best for the other person even if it's not what's best for you.

I always make a joke: 'Don't look into the future; it's too bright.' That's as positive as I can be.

As an actor, you're trying to capture the nuances of real life, but voice work is almost over-acting.

I met some people in college and I kept cracking away until someone pointed me in the right direction.

I think sometimes we get wrapped up in awards... ultimately, it's just a moment in time, and it passes.

Acting, really, is a lot of mental fatigue, emotional fatigue, concentration... it's mentally draining.

I'm actually filming all the time, and I don't have much time to do anything. I've always been that way.

Not being white has never prevented me from enjoying Luke Skywalker or Han Solo. These are heroes of mine.

I'm a bit bored of going to the gym! I'm like, 'Someone put me out of my misery - I can't do this anymore!'

When something tragic happens in the world and I realize that, for the most part, I am powerless to stop it.

When I was playing Bishop, I would always walk on set thinking, 'This is my show; this is a show all about me.'

I'm always game for creating a new character, and I liked the idea of putting something new into the 'Halo' universe.

Dialogue is not always the best way to show emotion, to show your thought process, or to reveal yourself, as a character.

I try to stay incognito as much as I can. I don't go places that people would expect to see me because I'm trying to lay low.

Some people get divorced, they leave the person for a couple of years, then they remarry. Relationships are very, very strange.

As long as I didn't have to put on the tiara and the chains and the big yellow shirt for the whole series, I was up for anything.

When you're casting, you get a page or two - just enough to do the scene. Now that you're in the world, you get the whole script.

Some people in America don't ever interact with black people outside of television, so we should give them real, believable characters.

A lot of times in life, women want to talk, but men don't want to listen, and if they do want to listen, they turn it back to themselves.

I'm embarrassed to say that I don't have a lot of hobbies. It's not because I don't have interests, it's just that I don't have the time.

I'm embarrassed to say that I don't have a lot of hobbies. It's not because I don't have interests; it's just that I don't have the time.

As professionals, we just try to keep the jokes to a minimum, when we're in a certain situation. When we're not doing that, we're joking.

I'll get a nice little break, after doing Jessica Jones and Luke Cage. Whether I'm in [his show], I don't know, but there's The Defenders.

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